Muddie Mae Suggins

I've never been to São Paulo*, is it warm tropical rain? We are getting this cold misty bullshit that someone clearly imported so we could be more like the Pacific Northwest and it's driving me mad. It's supposed to be snowy by now!

It absolutely, totally sucks. Take care of yourself as well as you can and lean on your people when you can.

Maybe consider the source here? Was your sex life a point of contention while you were dating at all? Something about a friend or ex just declaring that a) they know what's going on with you sexually and b) they know how to fix it gets my shoulders up around my ears.

I think it's hard to when you're still reeling from a big life change. Especially still living with your Ex - yikes, that does not sound fun. My ex and I couldn't even manage a week of him on the couch, and we had an incredibly amicable breakup.

Stop. Do not engage. Make sure your friends understand they should no longer relay these things to you. If they don't want to hear from him, they need to draw that boundary with him. And for the love of Christ STOP reading his tumblr.

Yeah, I've encountered this too and it bums me out. It's also sort of insulting, in an "any port in a storm" kind of way.

Getting over: It really does take some time and distance, there isn't any short cut. Other than having fun, I think standard self-care rules apply - try to eat well and get some amount of movement on a regular basis, make sure you're not using alcohol as too much of a crutch, etc.

Also, kittens and puppies are best when they belong to someone else. The scratch, bite, and pee places you don't want them to. Maybe get an adult cat!

This is brilliant and I'm going to make my housemates debate it with me.

If she grew up in a passive aggressive family it's super hard to get out of those habits. My fiance is 99% recovered but it will still occasionally come up in a weird moment if he's stressed or something.

Do you calculate salvage value based on the raw materials, or life insurance policies?

I had the EXACT same thing with segue and one of my friends started teasing me because I guess "seg" (hard g) is business jargon now? Anyway, we had a good laugh and then got drunk. Also, this happened when I was 30. Somehow no one had mentioned it before.

Impression, nothing, he explicitly says she doesn't want any details. Obviously he could by lying, but that's possible about any aspect of these letters so I personally find it to be pointless speculation.

Weird. I'm a lifelong Midwesterner and it seems like common knowledge to me that New Yorkers don't own cars. I would be mystified if I met someone who did (and I would assume they were super rich).

I never watched the West Wing so this Nobel Prize thing is new to me.

The only time I've ever hear anyone discuss their car, or asked about it, is when they've just bought one.

Barney's porn is definitely tapes when he gives it all away. There's a whole gag with a tape flying into the VCR and starting to play. That aside, if all of this other stuff is on tape that means they have VCRs around to watch it.

Wait, did you actually ask people you had just met what kind of car they drove?

The gay jokes and his bitter feelings towards his dad really bug me, but YMMV.

Sure, although you'd think Barney would have jumped to buy the non-"enhanced" DVD when it came out.