Mike McCarthyism

If I recall, Nordic blonde women have typically made more of an impact opting for the 9-iron.

A double gin and tonic in the clubhouse.

Add that to the list of things men will do in order to hang out with a tall blonde.

What’s the concussion protocol for something like this?

And will Hammond and Hazelwood have to give a percentage of their’s and Radiohead’s percentage to Steve Allen?

Will Radiohead have to give a percentage of their percentage to Hammond and Hazelwood?

Yes. Draymond could be thrown out of every single game but isn’t. NBA refs suck, but not because of Draymond.


Where does he think they’ll get these new referees? It’s not like college referees are known for their consistency and fairness.

My biggest problem with the name is that it’s self-contradictory. Unless at least three people are involved, of course.

Amazing to think this guy is only 15 years old.

The dude was so bad at his job he managed to blind a guy in one eye while calling a football game.

I’ll admit that it would’ve been interesting to see how Andy Reid still would’ve fucked up the game if that field goal never happened.

My guess is continue to hide them. He has just as much to lose if everyone finds out about his fetish of dressing up like a goat.

Ah, never again will we have to endure the patented Triplette “hold up a hand to quell the incredulous protests from players as he’s about to make an egregiously bad call” during a game.

I wonder what he’ll do with those pictures of Roger Goodell fucking a goat that enabled him to keep a job for so many years.

My favorite story about Young is his heart rate. All astronauts except young had really high heat rates during launch - I mean like 150's or so. His plugged along at 70. During the lunar decent Neil Armstrong’s was in the 190's. Young’s was around 90. The epitome of cool under stress.

Jeff Triplette Is Working A Playoff Game For Some Reason

So Triplette and his crew are outstanding on the regular calls and only screw up one or two big ones, so they get a playoff game. This is like saying a medic is great and deserves a promotion because he can apply a band-aid like nobody's business, ignoring the fact he occasionally applies a tourniquet to someone's

It's even worse once you consider there's TWO MORE of these asshats walking around somewhere. Thanks a lot, fertility clinics!