Mike McCarthyism

I can also vouch for brits’ propensity for the c-word. One of my friends is a sarcastic British guy (is there another kind?) and a group of us went out mini-golfing. Lots of parents with little kids and stuff. After missing a routine putt he yelled “Son of a cu**!”.

I unironically agree with your assessment that college basketball is more enjoyable than pro. I find pro basketball extremely boring in almost every situation except a close playoff game. 

It’s nice to know good coaches really fuck up from time to time too. Gronk on the field only makes any sense if it’s a hail mary play, which this is definitely not since there’s no way gimpy Tannehill can throw it that far. Since it therefore has to be a weird multiple lateral/catch and run play, you need speedy safeti

Fixed - thanks.

I mean, come on:

I think you’re burying the lede here ...

I’m conflicted - I’ve wanted this for years, but am concerned for the future utility of my username.

Username says "hi!"

Long-story-short I turned off adblocker for a moment, only to discover having visited this story made the ads on deadspin show redskins ads (thanks Google!), but more importantly, the ads *still include the doll*. Screenshot as proof.

I resemble this comment.


Love me some British coupling.

As a Brewer fan, I didn’t have a strong opinion about Machado. I was bummed we weren’t able to trade for him when both both teams were pursuing him (and doubly so after Schoop bombed). But watching him in this game we his escalating series of antics makes me ecstatic this bro isn’t on our team. In just the last three

Yelich has been nothing short of an MVP candidate

I mean, he went to the side last game against the Vikings, and look how much good that did him.

But this was totally legit:

At least we got this delightful gif from this bullshit. I like to think the backtracking official represents NFL fans trying to watch and enjoy a cleanly called game, while McCarthy represents the NFL disabusing them of that desire.

This “rule” also leads to stuff like this - where the GB player just stopping playing because he was worried about a flag:

The NFL’s absolutely terrible and impossible new definition of roughing the passer—which prohibits defensive players from landing on quarterbacks with their body weight—came into play during today’s Vikings-Packers game and directly affected the outcome.

Now that Grayson Allen has left college, I hereby nominate Trace McSorley for “Most Punchable Face”