This is so depressing, from a Packers fan who knows we’re depending on this man to make substantive coaching/roster changes.
This is so depressing, from a Packers fan who knows we’re depending on this man to make substantive coaching/roster changes.
Aside from basic human decency (not exactly widespread in a multi-billion dollar business), as a team, why wouldn’t you head hunt? Carolina got to take out GB’s 2nd best player, basically for free. Sure, he got a penalty, but it just changed the location of the ball - not even a 1&25! Considering it was off a TO,…
Next time someone asks me why I prefer watching college basketball, I’ll remember to bring up this clip.
I’m not necessarily arguing Wisconsin is one of the best four teams, but I’ll merely note that compared with Alabama, WI:
- has a better SOS in the computer rankings
- has a better best win
- has more wins and equal losses
- won their division
- are split in the computer rankings as to who is better (2-2 in the first four…
Let me get this straight - your star QB injured his knee before the game, so your response was to implement a QB-run centered offense, during which he looked great. Then in the 3rd quarter he gets up limping from an awkward looking tackle ... which apparently brought out the injury from before the game?
Note entirely sure I agree with
This guy
Given that he drove him into the ground after the throw, seems like it should have been.
Probably missing a joke, but that was third eye blind?
Honest question - what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope that’s just the drunkenness talking. That was one of the most vicious, and easily avoidable, hits I’ve ever seen.
Huh? Am I missing something?
This is a pretty good list.
Just want to point out that one of these refs *also* worked the Wisconsin-Duke championship game, which isn’t exactly memorable for its excellence in officiating.
Considering one of them worked the WI-Duke game, it’s possible they will. And that game wasn’t exactly known for its great officiating.
Wisconsin, 2nd in both B10 season+tourney, got hosed - given the worst draw of all 7 B10 teams given their next game would be against the overall #1. And MN, who just lost a top 3 player for the year gets a #5 seed in MKE? Bullshit.
How is it an upset if Michigan was favored to win before the game?
Another republican national convention already?!
Don’t forget North Carolina!