
If screwed on properly I’ve never heard of drain plug threads wearing over time, I think that is BS. Most likely a mechanic problem.

Some people need a truck, not a family car.

Hillary is absolutely everything Bernie Sanders said was wrong with our system. This election is not about minimum wages or trade deals, it’s about rejecting establishment politics first and foremost. The Democrats have a rigged primary election process which is nothing but a dog and pony show. Hillary got caught

Investors are confused!

I wish we could downvote motherfuckers on this interface.

I’m sure important people will care enough to give police more legal impunity and heavy weapons, and maybe abridge the public’s civil rights a bit. Hey, at least they’re doing something!

One of the other posts said the police were ambushed... Does anybody know what really happened at this point?

I just read on Twitter, so take it with a grain of salt, 911 call made by the shooters and when cops showed up they ambushed them.

I think it’s worth it. Sure, it was a bit of a hodgepodge of parts from across various Ford-owned marques. But it’s still a goddamn V12 Aston Martin. Plus it’s being offered for substantially less than many other DB7's.

Probably no more than the Renegade already has on.

Man, you must have some pretty special turds to equate this FRC with them.

“Hi. I work at the BBC and my job is to vet our top presenters to make sure they don’t embarrass the station” said no one ever?

I was completely ready to give the guy credit for going straight off instead of trying to hero a recovery out of that. Then he got out of the car.

Right. Because it's porn that determines and shapes sexual preference, not the other way 'round (ie. that porn only satisfies and follows the already existing preferences). Oh, wait...

And on the news:

There’s a lot of these cars. If one in 20 is manual, you race those and use the others for parts.

Yea. The writing here has really gone down the shitter. Sorry to say it. I used to love this site. Not sure why I even check at all anymore. Maybe, I'm just hoping things get better one day.

Yea... Daggers ARE weapons. It's like asking "What's the point of an airplane designed to fly faster"?

The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?