And if there WEREN’T cars marketed towards women, women would complain about the patriarchal auto industry ignoring the female consumer.
And if there WEREN’T cars marketed towards women, women would complain about the patriarchal auto industry ignoring the female consumer.
And there’s a thirteen minute long video of Hillary telling lies as well. Lying is no longer an issue in a presidential campaign. This is the point we’re at. There’s an old saying about getting the government we deserve.
Confirmation bias. She decided that vaccinating your kids is bad, she looked for information saying vaccinating your kids is bad, and she found it. People like this think that reading tin foil hat blogs by people with no credentials counts as “research.”
What’s with all the weed references on this site as of late? 420, hurr hurr. Smoke a bowl, hurr hurr.
We spend six hundred billion dollars on the military every year. Why are our airplanes so old?
It was so cheap when it first came out because they were dumping them on the market below cost to get attention to the car.
You have to love a “justice” system that’s so backwards that winning costs more than giving in.
Most times when you look at a supercar, you can see all the cues from different cars. When I look at this, I see some 8 Series in the nose, and that’s about it. Maybe a hint of the original Esprit.
I don’t think it’s the price or the all wheel drive system, it’s the way this thing looks: ridiculous. A crossover is half way between a car and an SUV, this is half way between a car and a crossover.
Wasn’t Volvo putting heartbeat sensors in cars way back in the mid 2000s? Why couldn’t that technology, combined with an internal temperature sensor that’s already there determine that A) there’s somebody in the car and B) it’s hot as balls in said car so that the logical course of action is to C) roll down the…
I do like how left leaning people claim to be all about animal rights but have no qualms with baby killing.
Ramtown is right by me and it’s not technically a town. It’s just a community in Howell, which anyone NOT from Howell refers to as “Howellabama.”
I like how we’re now criticizing Trump for things he hasn’t even done or not done yet.
MK4 Supra meets Toyobaru FRZ86BS. So long as they can keep the price within reason, wonderful. Another underpowered, overpriced vehicle like the LFA and BRZ, no point in bothering.
It’s actually still a Beetle. That’s impressive as hell. I was expecting a tube frame chassis, Chevy V8 and Volkswagen clothes on top of it.
So many rogue racist cops? Exactly how many black people are killed by “rogue racist cops?” Is it comparable to the 2,200 black people murdered by other black people every year?
Meanwhile,six OTHER black people were murdered by other black people and they get zero press coverage.
We always called open diff one wheeled burnouts “peg leg” or “pirate” burnouts.
Given the current state of new military hardware, it won’t fly until 2050 and it won’t actually work properly until it’s obsolete.
He’s assuming that people will want personal transport with the last possible cost which is... wouldn’t you say a fair assumption?