
and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

I love milk and always have. I will defend my snow white beverage of choice until the end! How can you make real hot cocoa without milk? What would my special spaghetti sauce be without that dash of cream at the end? And dammit, YOU EAT CEREAL WITH MILK. I don’t wanna hear from you weirdos who eat it dry or whatever.

Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!

Could they also be doing this to avoid his assets being seized in the event that he’s arrested and/or files for bankruptcy? Isn’t this the reason OJ moved to FL? I’m ignorant as to whether NY has the same thing in place but here’s what I found about OJ/FL:

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

If my college suddenly “found” millions in government funding I can promise you tuition reduction would be the last place they’d put it.

Nest has literally NEVER been hacked. What happened here, once again, is someone used the equivalent of "password" as their password (or as you even call out, used a password that they used on another site that was compromised) and someone tried it here. They hadn't turned on two factor, or better, used a password

It’s Natalie Morales. I thought everyone knew that - they shipped her off to California. I’m sure the other person who knew too much and got canned was Ann Currey.

Lost in all of this is the fact that the Golden State Warriors once blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals, the championship series in American professional basketball.

It still airs on PBS, there's just a nine month lag in the new episodes so the rich kids get the new episodes way before the lowly poor kids. 

Does anyone ever mention Chiefs fans doing this at the beginning of every game? It’s usually broadcast by whoever has their games and no one seems to care.

I remember being a teen and being stupid and impressionable. Part of me is just like, teens are always going to do dumb things.

Vapingc was designed from the outset to get young people hooked on nicotine.The ‘helps smokers quit’ thing was nothing but a trojan horse.

The problem is vapes being directly targeted to children to get them addicted. Are ya’ll really all this obtuse? 

“Please, Can We Stop With The Vape?”

Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.

Very fitting for the Giants to give up on a guy the rest of us wrote off 5 years ago

It may seem to you that things are working “just fine” but usually these updates do contain bug fixes and security patches. That certainly was the case with KB4515384.

We’re seeing this policy enacted solely because Barron got busted with some off-brand Juul pods, no?