Seriously? Angry Birds sends contact information to third parties? Aren't they happy enough with the huge amounts of cash that they're raking in?
If you're just going to hand out memory cards, why wouldn't you just buy a ton of sub-megabyte SD cards and hand them out?
They ripped off Ben Franklin, messed up the quote, and didn't even attribute it. Good job, BMW!
Now what can I throw at the cyclists who almost run into me when I walk across the street because they think that riding a bike means that they don't have to stop at a red light?
@Edward Uong: Because then it might not fail.
Not speaking any Asian languages isn't really going to be a problem for where he's going. Definitely not Singapore, where English is practically the first language of everyone.
Shift keys work really nice if you're only capitalizing one letter. When I have to enter vasts amounts of data, I would strangle any designer who removed my access to caps lock.