
Hey! I'd be more than happy to. Don't you normally have to be invited?

Hey Nic! Sorry I missed your comment in the earlier fracas :)

Yeah I have to be careful with the language I use when talking about the system. There's the language I use when chatting and laughing in the pub, but then there's the language I have to use when I'm seriously representing my work. I don't really believe that ANGELINA `thinks' in the sense that you or I do just yet.

Hey Michael! Do you ever find it hard to use the name 'Mike'? I find that my surname sounds really funny if someone says is next to Mike, yet I prefer being called Mike on its own.

A lot of the work currently is templated - this version of the software was about focusing on the theme, choosing media assets like sound and music, and creating something competent. Nevertheless ANGELINA does evolve the exact level design and placement itself, and play the games out to simulate them (in a very basic

Hey Steve! Look at it this way - we're interested in making them creative and artistic! Giving them sensitive sides so they'll be softer when it comes to ruling the world...

Hi! I think this is how you do replies >_>

Hi all! I'm the creator of ANGELINA, a PhD researcher based in London, England. Fire away with any questions and I'll do the best I can to answer them, or hit me up on Twitter @mtrc for more.

Of course, but this is the step towards producing artificially designed content that has that creative touch that we love. Computational Creativity - it's coming!

The key thing is that this technique is generalisable and I hope that we can expand it to come up with many more interesting things in the future! I really want to broaden this and give ANGELINA more control over the game code, so that it can start to make more fundamental changes.

Teleportation and wall-jumping were removed because they were too complex - I didn't want players to be confused or overwhelmed by them, because ANGELINA can't assess how easy a mechanic is to understand, or measure whether it can break the game much.

Actually it's more modification than copying. ANGELINA can look at the code of the game, and give the player the ability to affect some data within it, or alter the code in some way. Then it tries playing the game with this new ability - what changes? Can I access new areas now? Can i do things I couldn't before? If