
"Yiddish Policeman's Union" by Chabon, "The Passage" by Cronin, Song of Ice and Fire series by Martin, and "Narcissus and Goldmund" by Hesse.

XP mode doesn't work that great, mostly because it only uses one core, as opposed to virtual box which you can set to use whatever. I strongly recommend forgoing XP mode and stickig with VB since it will be much faster.

I would suggest Melanie's other post to whoever is running said meeting: []

I use profanity casually, but have found in general, without consciously deciding, that I don't use profanity around small children or when speaking in front of groups. That being said, they will slip out, and I do feel self-conscious when that happens.

Or you could get Instinctiv (free), which this appears to be almost exactly the same as.

I think Windows 7 was a huge deal for MS and I completely agree with Whitson on his points. That being said, I worry about what Windows 8 will bring.

soundcloud seems to have a lot, or at least Butch Clancy is there, []

I dig it.

This is hilarious. At 30, I just finished reading Moby Dick for the first time recently. The best part about that was having the internet so I could learn weird trivia questions like: Zealand is the largest island of Denmark, and Noah Webster is who wrote a study of words.

and worth a try for a demo. also, haven't we already gone into why offering software for too little isn't effective? $9.99 might be the perfect price point.

Actually, a dry bag works much better for this concept, IMO.

Huge fan of Jad, but this is Henry Reich.

I use tethering once a blue moon in times of need, but having that function on my rooted android is a godsend. If there was a way to get that same (free) functionality on a non-jailbroken iPhone, I would think about drinking the kool-aid with a 4S. The reason against jailbreaking is that the whole reason I would go

Good to know, and sorry for commenting on a site I hadn't seen (it was down) based on your write-up. It seemed so uncharacteristic for LH to recommend something like that I had to comment.

I just found a site which tells you if your PIN has been stolen: just put in your account number, routing number, bank name and PIN.

1password (sorry for the late reply here), their android app is free and their client on your PC/Mac is totally worth it.


Or you could go to a public source, like the freaking NCBI, and not worry about sponsorship concerns.

How long has Japan been doing this with phones that are probably the equivalent of present day dumb phones?