
I wrote this a goof, when this was all a pipe-dream.

Yeah I also missed when he became “not dead” again.

A “kid-friendly” Wolverine and when did Danger become Angela Davis?

I actually think sex on the first date is a good test of a person’s character. It allows you to see how they behave on a second date. Getting past the sex as an objective can lead to discovering more about that person, and if there isn’t a second date, you know everything you need to.

They bought the engine outright in 2014

I would rather do this than buy some gaudy painting or sports car I’ll maybe drive once. A million is life-changing money for most people and to see how some people piss it away makes me sad for humanity.

The common thread is power. There’s something that happens to these men to make them lose their damn minds,

The reckoning knows no bounds. 

That ship sailed long ago without her and many others.

The View? I’m sorry Whoopee ain’t having none of that B!

That’s the first thing I thought, “Damn! Black folks pulled it out!” I knew something was strange when I found myself agreeing with Charles Barkley.

Mueller’s investigation is not subject to the same political whims that the House and Senate committees are. He saw a situation, he resolved it. When half of Trumps staff get indicted, the law will always out weigh opinion.

Bobby Caldwell, Michael McDonald, Rick Astley. I’ve had a few, “He’s White?” moments.

So Moore is a “stand up guy” because he wouldn’t partake of any Da nang poontang? Perhaps he’s just an “All American” pedophile.

If you are going to participate in the social melting pot of the internet, you are either going to accept what’s there, debate what’s there, or GTFO! There is no expectation that your “culture” is accepted because “that’s the way it’s always been where I’m from”.

And who are these “Black friends”? My God! I know we aren’t a unified block on every issue, but who are these Black people that are Ok with this shit? I mean, have you ever heard of a Jewish Holocaust denier? What is in the heads of these people?!

Your first post is here...really? You create that account just for the fake outrage?

I have people who call me their friend because I’m one of the “good ones” in their eyes.

To who? Some Becky that just created an account to come to the Root for some fake outrage? Why don’t you go somewhere else and MAGA.

My kids had St. Nikolas being half German and all. No way I’m getting between that.