
These things are hard to come by even in Germany and they have an almost cult following there. I think the price is a “Frisco Mark Up”, but if you could talk him down to $16K or $15.5 it’s a NP.

All a matter of how accurate you want to be in the telling of the story. My question is always a matter of added value. Do you get added value in changing the sex or ethnicity of a character within the narrative of the story you are trying to tell? If not why do it?

For me, The ethnicity of a character is as important as their role in the story. In most cases the lead character should be as accurately reflected as possible and the whole story centers around him and a change in ethnicity may lead to changes in his background story that add nothing to the narrative, There are

$60K for a 2002 BMW coup? My German friends would slap the shit outta me for wasting that kind of coin. Das ist CP wie nie!

There’s a “hold my beer” in that statement.

SInce it’s EA and it’s using Frostbite, I’m imagining it’s some kind of FPS.

I don’t think it was common knowledge that Wakanda had Vibranium. It was probably known at top government levels, otherwise they could never keep up the air that they are a “third-world” nation.

Keep in mind. The comic is from the 60s and even back then Wakanda was considered more advanced than the US.


Blade was the first, but was an experiment of sorts. It was a throwaway character, given to New Line (Read: low budget), that had unexpected success.

I actually like the sleeker suit. I have a real problem with a need to over “texture” superhero costumes. The Sony Spider-Man suits were a perfect example. Those and the Superman suits seemed to busy with all the tiny patterns in the fabric.

About as diverse as any superhero movie.

I am 100% sure there will be no White saviors in this film.

Sound, radar, even light are simply waves of energy. It’s not hard to imagine they have a Vibranium-based stealth technology.

I hear this and am reminded of the people who complain about Star Citizen still in development.

I wonder what kind of car CryEngine would be?

Those faces! What’s wrong with those faces?!!

Yeah, they were literally trying to inject Spidey into people veins. It was really too much.

I am reminded of Penny Dreadful. That show was solid in production, casting and story, but was also killed after it’s second season.

I had a hard time laughing at what were supposed to be the funny parts, when I was too busy hating humanity just moments before.