
I hope Woz never looses the weight, or the neck beard/Al Boreland face fuzz. I want him to stay exactly the same for all time.

@Tightlines: Um, no. What you should be more pissed at is that Snooki of the Jersey Shore earns 20 grand just to show up anywhere, and that she's getting very rich off the Jersey Shore residuals. Snooki, of all people on this earth, is getting rich for truly being an actual idiot.

@Curves: Me too. Remember the D list episode where he jailbreaked Kathy Griffin's iphone - in a car, without access to a computer? Just the fact that he was partly responsible for Apple's existence and even to this very day he's still hacking stuff makes me love him.

@maven2k: And I hated the IT crowd! I have no idea why people like it more than TBBT. I felt the pacing was awful, the jokes fell flat and the acting hackney'd. To each their own I guess...

I take it all in stride and as a mark of pride. I don't find it offensive to be labled a fan, but here's a general question - the gender of the term: I prefer fangirl, but I understand that for most people it hardly matters. (and indeed, I really don't care enough to correct 99% of people about it.) So I was just

@Robotube: Yeah I'm confused by that spelling too. In the LGBTQ community a boi is a pretty butch lesbian, or generally a bio-woman who presents masculine in society.

You mention he collected whale snot, but not why. Does he have a huge booger collection or something?

@whatne1wuddo: Agreed. They rock and for whatever reason, Lego is the perfect artistic medium for Gizmodo! :) BLam should hire a full time Lego artist. How many Gizmodians would apply? LOL I'd quit my job to do it!

Because I'm such a good girl, here's a more complete list I copied off of

On the upside, it might just wash away the pee smell so easily encountered down there.

@howdini: I see what you did there.


Hmmm. Apple already hates flash... would they go along with this I wonder? Sincerely?

@Denver: Argh!! She has a thick neck.

@MaNiFeX: You put your weed in... Dude. Not enough room!

Matt, completely agree 100%. Nice work.