
Woah. Mysterio hot some new duds! And a sister! Heads up, Spidey! :)

this reminds me of that futurama episode where Hermes sings a limbo song to organise the central burocracy (sp?). As someone who worked in public housing for a long time and had to deal with HUD, this makes perfect sense. I wish we had a flow chart that so succinctly summed up housing grant requests!

@marcsiry: the rare well thought out and considerate response! Thank you for that. I love it when Gizmodians further the conversation rather than be contrarian. :)

@A.Jaswal: um press screenings are Hollywood standard. The press never pays and the studio wants their film reviewed - unless they KNOW it sucks, like any Uwe Boll movie.

@Pimanrules: bell sometimes the comment threads here on particular Giz posts would be fodder for awesome movies. Like the recent one about games and their partners. Even some of the photo contests would make good inspiration for the DP's!

@pwheeler: would that make that bench Frucci humped a jilted lover?

@Link2010: Wouldn't YOU like to know! ;-)

@Pope John Peeps II: Hah! Whenever I try to post a comment via my Evo things go a lil nuts because of the spell checker. I wrote "other", not owl! LOL wtf?? Your curent one is Dawson. I liked the peeps one. :) But no biggie. I can see how that was confusing though!!

They should call it the Chattanooga Choo Choo.

@mindray: Maybe thats why they are doing it there. Just because they can doesn't mean they actually want to succeed; cable companies have been ripping us off for years with throttled internet. Our bandwith rates are a joke. They attempt to launch a service like this in an area they know no one is going to buy it and

Happy birthday Mario!! I want to have your kids. Fuck that pincess, she's helpless and always getting herself into trouble. I woulda made turtle soup by now. You know you want a real lady. C'mere, Italian Stallion. Muffins are better than Mushrooms anyday. :)

@slowurroll: I think MIB would do the same.

I really thought this was going to be one of those times where someone painted an object so if you stood at the right angle it dissapeared into the background... and then I wondered why he/she decided to paint from a perspective so high off the ground.

@Pope John Peeps II: God I feel bad you're getting so much flak over this. Can't someone have a different opinion? PS What happened to your owl avatar? I liked it way better... :/

@Pope John Peeps II: Hah! Well, true, but so goes most of all comic strips - the medium is pretty darn formulaic. You can say the same thing about Garfield and Foxtrot. My favorite strip, Sinfest, same thing. Different strokes!

@gadjitfreek: Oh! Seriously, if women valued the same things in looking for a mate as men did, no one would ever get laid. You're going to think I am blowing smoke ut seriously, there are *plenty* of women who like a man with some meat on his bones, regardless of how much. Hot ones too! (like me! lol :P) Women as a