
@gadjitfreek: Aww. :/ *Hug!* Don't worry about being shy - just play it off as humble, or modest. Girls love a modest guy, believe me. Just don't self-depricate and it'll work fine. And don't let the boobs intimidate you - girls are just as shy as you and wish a nice guy would talk to them like a person. Many a lady

@jepzilla: You find it hard to believe that manufacturers deliberately gimp a product to make you buy the better, more expensive and "unlocked" version? Clearly you have never bought a router.

@Curves: "Retard", because her yougest son - or her grandson, I forget - has Downs syndrome.

@Curves: Oh I def. have a few crushes on this site... :) It's funny how attractive people can seem, even if you've never seen, heard or actually *talked* to them! Sigh. We should totally email our crushes and have secrets, Curves. My lips, they'd be sealed!! Like, totally!! :D

@dj underboob: That's the guy equilivant of seeing a hot girl and realizing she's 17.

@mel-e: I hearted you for this! :)

Awesome article, I bookmarked this one b/c there are definitely things I want to access from afar! However a word to the wise: if you're going to upload your life to the cloud, please try to anonymise yourself a little, or at the very least be selective in what you put up there. I love google as much as the next girl

@Luiz Lavos: Tell that to a recruiter when you're out searching for a new job! They already scour google, facebook, twitter and my buddy who does HR says that they're already moving onto flicker. The more you store your life online, the easier it is for employers to find out your about your life. There's a double edge

This doesn't suprise me one bit, even though I buck the trend and love 3d tv's. They can combat this in 3 ways:

@Ron-Mexic0: Did you wear goggles to that too?

Hey old people - yeah! You! Really want to stick it to those whipper-snappers? Call today and buy this! The irony will escape them!!

@RawheaD: I'm gonna have a selfish kid someday and name her Myopia.

God, amazing work. I wish I had the cash to drop! :)

@Never_Nude: Your sister rocks!! LOL I love it!

Great write up! :)

Can't they sign some kind of legal pact, a la the one that palin supposedly forced levi to make according to the recent vanity fair article, wherein they can't publicly speak ill of each other? I don't care if their marriage/divorce sucks - I feel bad that one of those 8 will very soon be googling their parents and

On a personal note, thank you very much for including us transgendered people in this list. It means a lot. :)

She should have followed up with a cozy little segment on how to make your own blood ice cream, a'la True Blood. It's a good thing.