
@Wolfstone: Congratulations!! I'm happy you're well! :)

Some ideas here work, others don't - like the film studies one. Sorry, but black and white checker/zebra = tacky to me. (And I do a lot of film work!)

@im2fools: Having just moved and facing a decorator's nightmare, I snorted at this.

Wow. I didn't even watch the video, because I'm sure I don't need that in my brain all day. Isn't cruelty to animals a sign of being a psycho? She - and the cameraman - should be evaluated.

@DrewCSchultz: Couldn't disagree more, even though I know you're just being contrarian. I'm pretty sure people gain weight because they don't eat healthy and/or excercise (and the occasional - occasional!! - genetic disposition). That's it. I've got no problem with motorized transportation for the handicapped.

Wow. I don't care how awful the reviews are, I will see any movie with Cher in it. Snap out of it!!

@Katie Did.: Thank you for writing this! :) Exactly how I feel.

Best of luck, Mike - You've always been one of the classiest actors around and I'm pulling for ya!

@mimilove: Or, he's an actor who wants to stay in control as long as possible. I don't blame him - he's been one of my favorite actors for a long, long time.

That's funny - I think the act of questioning whether someone should or should not write up a harsh critique of Palin is helping her camp more than the actual article could. There is nothing Palin would like more than silence, so she could hear herself talk. Let the harsh critiques continue as far as I'm concerned.

@Joseph Paipilla: While I agree it should be at least an option, Apple doesn't offer Blueray b/c it has no confidence in the media platform itself. Its the same reason I haven't bought a blueray player yet, or any titles: I already own the DVD's, 3D-Blueray hasn't really "arrived" yet (even if it is here) and I'm

NASA: Go ahead, cut our budgets. We've still got freakin' rockets.

@FritzLaurel: I woulda pointed it in the opposite direction to give everone that wonderful sense of weightlessness for 0.0001 seconds!

I find it very...what's the word? Appropriate? B/c this morning on my commute I read the Metro News, and front cover was "Check out the Moobs on that guy!" LOL It was an article about the rise of breast reduction surgery amongst obese men.

I think its pretty rad actually. That's some pretty cool engineering from way back when, especially when you look at how many people to this day get the "hook" arm rather than a realistic one. Id like to think this belonged to some mad inventor or something.

@205guy: Intentional? Yes. Assumed? Yes. Michael Scott? Yes.