
No love for Lucca??

Once the current trailing generation shuffles off the mortal coil Family Circus will finally be relegated to the dust bin of history. It's still around because people in retirement homes who still subscribe to real newspapers love that strip from yesteryear and like the consistency. It's not about whether it's good or

Now, if a cop was doing this, this guy woulda been arrested. Cause you know, cops don't like it when you record them posing suggestively in public.

This is great. Can you do a tour of Dean Kamen's private island for the next installment? He's our generation's Edison, and he actually signed a peace treaty with the US! (His Island is just far enough off the coast to be a territory, as I recall.)

Wow Giz, I'm honestly impressed. It takes a lot of guts to publish a story like this. Thanks for sticking your neck out there!

This is hysterical - good find, Rosa!

@Hardcore1: LOL I snorted my drink a little!

Roy Scheider approves of Google Maps Underwater features.

@SQLGuru: Wow! That was fast - thanks! :)

Awesome. I didn't know about this - FDR is my fav. president by far. What an amazing period in history.

@snakebite: Agreed. But, alas, that's not the DIY route.

@Curves: I have been known to completely strip out of a tight dress to poop. It's honestly sometimes easier to deal with than the Hover. Not so much fun when the stall door doesn't lock.

I love my viewmaster... but it never occurred to me to make my own disks!! Must. Look. Up. How-To.

@Sunburn_summer: Thanks! You know, I'd actually wondered about that. I love hearing the history of common idioms. :)

@DefDealer: A little harsh? We didn't interrogate people for their movie choices, we joked around with the employees, most of whom went to H.S. with us.

I recently went back to school to get certified as a film editor and I had a blast. It's so different to go back to school as a "real adult" than when I went before, as a regular college kid. I never used to dress up for class before - when I went back, I dressed up every day. (We only sat at Mac's anyways, so no big

I used to HATE horror movies with a passion, and then I started making films, and I really began to respect the ammount of artistry that goes into one - even if it's gruesome artistry. Ever try to make a scary film? It's really hard, especially one that's convincing. I wondered about the targeting of women in Horror,

I'm shocked it went on for 30 years. As if to say, for the last 30 years, no one who ever worked at the school, no one who ever sent their kids to that school or who even ever attended that school ever looked at that piece of paper and said, whoah. Racism.