
@ps61318: wow that's a really interesting point - if confessional were photo booths I'd be much more entertained. Wonder if the priest section had a tv on mute...

If Tim Allen shows up, this shit's gonna get real.

@Charliehorse: I don't know how you found that picture, but I applaud your versatility sir. You are a general amongst lesser men.

@tomsomething: That's just silly. How would he do that? He's in the BATHROOM! ;)

@Denver: It'd be just like the scream extractor from Monsters Inc! Only more evil. Mwa-hahahaha!

@Skyman9: Don't at all agree that we're all dumb as shit, but do agree that the article makes it seem that we're sending working computers over there.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: I would love to be a cowgirl on a whale farm. Just so I could hug a whale, each and every day. And then lead them off to the factory to be made into fuel and jerky. Tasty, tasty whale jerky.

@Denver: LOLOL Can we use the screaming babies from the subway? Pleeeeeeassse???

Have to go the other way on this one. Willow, you know I have a poster of ya. I loves ya. Let me mail you some real slippers, cause those are Ugg-ly!!

Oh Maiju, I think I'm in love! :D Come over, I'll make Muffins and you can show me how to box!! ;D

I think Annie Oakley was in The Club.

This is great. Prison offers no rehab and often deteriorates a person's antisocial and criminal behaviours more than it alleviates them. With this, you could free up the resources of a hugely overburdened system while actually helping the criminal reform. You could require them to go to counseling, AAA meetings, work,

The integrated sink/toilet ideas are actually cool, if you've ever lived in a loft/studio, they'd free up a lot of space. I even liked the one Captain Reynolds had in his bunk on Firefly - it folded into the wall!

I think they chose the wrong room in the house to demo this tech in.

Blockbuster. Or Library. DVDRip or Handbrake. These things can make you happy and aren't that RAR.

Just think of the upskirt possibilities...

This explains alot. Mostly, their production timetables.

I for one am glad they didn't render the head. I've had enough of really bad/creepy robot faces.

He claimed Steve as a marketing ploy. We all know who his real inspiration is. MJF is awesome.