Dat hood ornament tho, its like a gun ironsight to aim at the poor people your one percent self will hit
Dat hood ornament tho, its like a gun ironsight to aim at the poor people your one percent self will hit
This is pretty much the gold standard for revenge on cheaters.
Mazda 787B -
My employer handed me one of the same model for a few years until its lease ran out. Good reliable machine. I did a lot of AutoCAD work with it.
Yea, but you can’t use Sound Blaster audio...
Entry level *exotic*
I once dropped acid at a party only for it to be shut down by the police about an hour later. The timing was both good and bad. I hadn’t started tripping so bad that I couldn’t keep it together in front of the police so, you know, that’s awesome. But the effects were definitely starting to build riiiight about the…
Humvee Dumvee fell from a plane,
Jesus Christ people, the most fun you can have in a 4×4 without leaving your couch is a Range Rover.
I’d like to think that all the gauze and bandages are for when you burn fools off the line.
That’s cute, A Leather Glove, but wouldn’t they need two of you?
Lifelong southerner, can confirm. Though I have never liked the combination. Mayo and Tomato sammies are also yuuge in the south. Not a fan of raw tomatoes myself, but that combination seems less odd.