
I’m willing to bet: this was his first. People who have practice at this sort of thing (shudder) generally don’t panic and sink self-made submarines to cover their tracks. They tend to have a much more methodical plan that doesn’t put them in the middle of the ocean and they pick people who won’t be missed. The

how many other women has he done this to? cutting up a corpse and deliberately sinking a submarine to cover it up are next-level psychopath.

“She must’ve dismembered herself and then tossed herself over the side” - Defence Lawyer

Uhhhh ... throwing a body overboard and then lying about it doesn’t seem like a natural way to respond to an accident at sea. If this really is her body, then dismembering the body of the accident victim seems like a really unusual decision.

It’s a small mercy that this guy is such a fucking idiot. Hopefully Kim’s family will be able to get some measure of closure on this whole horrifying ordeal.

Yes. This statement:

Immediate burial at sea because he figured that’s what family would want after a loved one dies in an “accident?” Hmmm, that’s a new murdery line of defense.

A normal non-suspicious thing to do when someone dies in a completely innocent totally accidental way while in your company with no one else around is to dispose of the body and then lie about it.

So he definitely murdered her.

Don’t even get me started on Sansa hate! I’ve always liked her and part of it is because she’s one of the most relatable characters in the series to me. She doesn’t have any kind of magical powers or extraordinary abilities, she’s just a smart and resilient girl trying to get by in a world in which she has very

In season one she decided she was too cool to behave like at least a responsible noble girl and NOT GET A PEASANT BOY IN TROUBLE, got her sister’s direwolf killed because she never bothered to train hers, and basically made her sister look bad because she was jealous of her. She’s always been spoiled and rude.

Also, re: Jon offering Longclaw to Jorah...

Arya never got to see Sansa begging for Ned’s life because she was scooped up by Yoren and he blocked her view.

Arya was pissing me the fuck off too. She didn’t do shit when she could have. Hell, she didn’t need to kill Tywin personally, she had three wishes from a death genie that she squandered! I really hope Bran brings her back down to earth because her creepy little speeches made me think of Ramsay and Sansa will certainly

This is entire plot point is not only unbelievable but it’s just a time waster. Of all the things Arya learned in Braavos I don’t get how she would then fall for Littlefinger’s scheming so easily. And same with Sansa. This all just feels so contrived to add tension before we get to next season.

Arya has always been a tempermental brat refuses to acknowledge her responsibility in anything. In season two she told Jaquen off for serving the Lannisters. When he reminded her that she was also serving the Lannister’s as a cup-bearer, she said she didn’t have a choice. He reminded her that she did.

Arya is OOC as fuck this season and it gives me rage. She of all people would abso-fucking-lutely understand doing something you find abhorrent out of necessity.

Fuck Arya for bringing up Ned’s execution at the Sept of Baelor. Does she not remember seeing Sansa beg for Ned’s life? Also, Arya should know that sometimes you’re forced to serve your enemies to survive. She was freaking Tywin Lannister’s cup girl for gods sake. If she had poisoned him, then he wouldn’t have killed

Deus ex Coldhands, for real. Does he just hang around waiting for idiot nephews?

I don’t know if I worked at the same cosmetics shop with a black and white theme, but when I did at mine, often there were older heavier clients who felt like they ‘didn’t deserve’ to feel good in their skin, because fat. I too liked to show them that they *did* deserve to feel good in their skin, their hair, and have