
We’ll take the big Chair ;-)

Las Tri would translate to the feminine The tricolors, El Tri is meant as THE tricolor, as in the main team i suppose plus La Tri doesn’t sound as good as LAS

Wait a second. A club has produced more great players than a country? COLOR ME SHOCKED (just not in that horrid Carolina blue).

If only he’d actually done this in the World Cup last year....

Oh, for sure. I just meant a film as the finale to the tv series, not instead of the whole thing.

My dad purchased Packers stock

The greatest things in the world were built by slaves. The Pyramids, The White House, and Air Jordan XIs. Remember that.


Thanks for clearing this up for everyone, dick123.

Looks like somebody forgot to pay the troll toll

"I can't marry you, I'm already married! My husband's name is, um, Joe Smith! He's a baseball player! For the, errr, Los Angeles...Angels...of Anaheim!"


That power of love thing is like a throwaway line in a small philosophical discussion. Every actual plot development and action is based in the movie pseudo-real physics/reality.

It's a friendly, it's basically a pre-season game and we're still three months from any meaningful competition (Gold Cup). Additionally Klinsmann is basically taking a hodge-podge of players as he often does for these meaningless games to test out "new" faces and people who are developing. Chandler is the only one

Theoretically I can fart my way to the moon if I line up every variable and adjust the goal posts. In reality, not so much.

Brings to mind the video of CR7 hitting the woodwork recently and being thoroughly pissed off. Only to have the ricochet go to a teammate who buried it with a wonderful volley. Which, oddly enough, pissed Ronaldo off even more lol.

uh roller blades are still cool. Roller hockey lives on!

Matt Barnes is the only tolerable Clipper. Please, throw him overboard. Save him from yourselves.

As a Clippers fan, you should love Matt Barnes. Best bargain in the league. He hits shots, plays defense, is usually in the right place at the right time, and someone needs to be a hardass on that team.

Based on the previews I had the same questions as you.