
I don't think the bystander effect explain the apathetic response of closing their door to her face.

ever been poor?

now can we see it fired into jello?

Nah, this makes them a good guy, but noway this reflects on their driving.

i hate how people take advantage of the buffer to zig zag through traffic....

like there is one original person experimenting and copycats taking these heroes and running with it?

thanks for asking him to elaborate that made my day.

can u explain it to me? i don't see it besides the colors used.

he wasn't jailed he was put away to a mental inatitution, and only showing control for 15% of the time he has been away isn't comforting.

I was thinking of that today, while i was on the freeway thinking tesla might licence their tech but limit the capacity like how they are doing with the focus but with pretty much popular brands and different companies.

Ranting is a good way to release frustration sometimes people here piss me off too, I can see where your rant is coming from.

A city that offers such a diverse type of people, you are definitely not living here right.

it just screams "douchebag" to me.

Sounds like hes holding a grudge and i dont think you will change his mind.

I think the way to go is shaming those assholes to never speak up. hard to do on the internet but I personally think it's better than ignoring them(but dont feed the trolls either by getting into an argument either). Nothing changes from ignoring the issues they will not go away so it's better to have people speaking

The good samaritan law is not everywhere, I think it just got passed recently here in california and i thought it was ridiculous it took so long when i heard about it.

Maybe because i'm a bit optimistic i always thought that by throwing money into fixing the errors on the osprey on some level covered errors that would of needed fixing in other air-crafts that followed it. The continues development of it maybe have been applied into other fields too.