I’m sure all that’s true ... but only like 100 people get it, so it’s basically an inside joke.
I’m sure all that’s true ... but only like 100 people get it, so it’s basically an inside joke.
>be Mexican
Tell your brother to go make whatever country he’s from Great Again.
Do you need a safe space whenever you see an opposing viewpoint? Stay strong.
I’m first-gen India and my parents came here LEGALLY.
She’s a criminal invader, at a public school she should have never been allowed to attend in the first place. Illegals like her leech and rub it in our face.
Go try to enroll in an Israeli or Chinese university as an illegal invader.
They can go home. Mexico is great, isn’t it? Well, it must be because illegal kids scamming free education, free college, free health care, free housing from US taxpayers love to fly the Mexico flag. They should appreciate the free ride they received from US taxpayers and go help make Mexico (or wherever) a little…
If Mexico is such a violent worthless hellhole, why do they fly the flag when they get here while they leech things we built, we pay for, which provide them a future? Because most of them are unappreciative parasites.
They ARE living the good life. They scam and go to college for FREE, go abroad for FREE, get into exclusive recruiting events, etc. I’m still paying off my loans and couldn’t go abroad because I couldn’t afford it. Fuck them, they’re parasites. And to top it off, how do they repay the US? By displaying thanks and…
What’s the demo of avg new Raptor buyer?
Why not let them steal it? Insurance claims pay you dealer retail, you hoped to sell for private party...
Why not let them steal it? It’ll never be found and insurance will give you more than you were selling it for, probably.
Lies. The entire board of trustees is the same.
All the PSU trustees are the same...basically a who’s who of the PA elite.
What’s wrong with implying it’s easy to take advantage of blackout drunk white women on St Patrick’s Day? Nothing...as long as you’re a black guy in Jezebel’s fav. Broadway show!
The principled ladies at Jezebel also think it’s just a JOKE when a guy from Hamilton clearly implies it’s easy to take advantage of blackout drunk white women on St Patrick’s Day:
Being called ugly by a talk radio loudmouth in the 90s =/= being called a retard (basically) in YouTube videos shared and viewed millions of times in 2016.
It’s been a 100% double-standard with Obama’s kids. Bushes were attacked for being sloppy whores... Barron is autistic... Malia is CAUGHT smoking dope and binge drinking and twerking EVERY time she was away from the White House... *crickets*
The lawyer claims he’s not autistic. Videos claim and insinuate he is. Either way it is cyber bullying, at the very least. Especially when these videos are getting shared and viewed MILLIONS of times.