Chris Martin has been her best pull ... yet everyone on Jezebel was ruthless about her dating him. Chris is younger than this bloke, better looking, #1 band in the world for the last 15 years!
Chris Martin has been her best pull ... yet everyone on Jezebel was ruthless about her dating him. Chris is younger than this bloke, better looking, #1 band in the world for the last 15 years!
Free NEGATIVE* publicity. They tried to torpedo his campaign day in and day out for the last 9 months. They tried to prop up Hillary and failed.
It’s called journalistic ethics, which at least one “““journalist””” in the room doesn’t have. Shocking. Unethical prostitutes.
Yeah mainstream media is so powerful. Oh wait, their trustworthiness ratings have never been lower. And their candidate Hillary has been retired.
If I got to go on CNN or MSNBC in front of 1m to 2m people multiple times per day and just casually make up lies about you, would you be okay with that? Or would it bother you and you’d respond.
You realize how much insider trading and scamming your congressman and senator are doing RIGHT NOW? These guys all make $174k a year yet leave office and they’re worth $20m.
Wait, I thought he was literally Hitler, literally a racist, literally a rapist ... why are your favorite talking heads at Trump Tower to kibitz with such an evil monster?
Not just gross, predatory and date rape-esq.
So when women get drunk they’re horny and ‘asking for it’? What about when they’re wearing a short skirt? Is that what you want men to assume now?
He just happened to pick the holiday when people are known to get fall-down drunk. Weird coincidence, I guess. Also a coincidence when creepy frat boys pour a mixed drink with 3 shots of vodka in it for the visiting high school senior.
Holiday when [white] women are known to get black out drunk. Women can’t consent when they’re drunk. Tweet is predatory and date rape-esq, especially when coupled with misogynist and sexist tweets he started deleting yesterday.
He has a history of misogynistic tweets. He began deleting them yesterday.
Oh please, [white] girls party every weekend. St Paddy’s Day is obviously special, to him, because it’s a holiday where people get ESPECIALLY drunk. Easy prey.
No, many old tweets refer to women as hoes, sluts, jump-offs, etc. He began deleting them en masse yesterday. Misogynist pig.
You know what he was implying. It’s “Christmas” because it’s easy to prey on and take home drunk white women on a holiday when people get shitfaced. This behavior is deplorable when it’s meathead fratboys, or a Stanford swimmer, but if the guy is a Boradway actor isn’t nbd?
Preying on women on a holiday known for people getting black out drunk isn’t a funny joke.
Sexually assaulting drunk women who can’t legally consent is humorous? Because that’s exactly what frat boy meatheads mean when they talk like this — and it’s exactly what he meant.