
These things never look right in normal lighting. Wait for the movie to pass judgement on how it will actually look. When I saw the first set photos of GotG and the Nova Corps in natural outdoor light, I was like “man, this looks so bad, people barely know these characters, this is going to be Marvel’s first real

A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.

Just take the W, man. Just take it.

Sounds like a future politican in the making, “I don’t need to read the bill to understand it....I read the title!”

Maybe read the article next time?

Is anyone buying a Genesis brand car? I never see them.

While this article is funny, MIDA has long lost it’s mantel as the best gun in Destiny 2. It’s not even the best scout! This coming from someone who was booted from raids because even though I had a black spindle, I wouldn’t equip it, because I wouldn’t be able to run MIDA. Nameless Midnight is a fucking wreckshop,

+1 to Nameless Midnight, Uriel’s Gift, and Merciless. That is my trifecta to getting sh*t done in any mode. MIDA Multi-Tool is great and all but i was kinda hoping it would get left in Destiny 1 because i feel like it had its time in the sun and i’d like to see more new exotics. Side note, i just got Sunshot

Fuck Nightfalls now, too. I don’t understand why Bungie spent all those resources making the Guided Games system and then made the things it’s used for so unforgiving that you can’t carry people through them any more anyway.

Because making complicated software across multiple teams is just a hair harder than editing copy.

Toxic internet hyperbole, everyone.

The backlash is real. It’s cool to call her a bad actress now.

actually the iphone did none of those things. apple bought the ideas for the iphone from other inventors who didnt have the financial clout to do it themselves. tablets as well. there were already tablet computers out there before the ipad, albeit not as user friendly. you give apple WAY too much credit. they buy

No, Kotaku is paid by ad clickthroughs. Destiny is a MASSIVE draw, much like Game of Thrones was for io9 over the last two months. Anything Destiny-related is going to draw a lot of clicks, which draws a lot of comments, which draws more clicks, which spawns more Destiny-related articles.

I hadn’t played Destiny since before they erased Dinklebot from history so when I played the 2 beta it was... disconcerting.

The beta got you one story mission, one strike and some PvP to fool with. It barely scratches the surface of the game. It’s nowhere near boring, but obviously, enjoyment of a thing is relatively objective. Yes it gets grindy. Yes it gets repetitive. Yes it’s aggravating. Yes I’ve put up with all that for 700+ hours

I’m a Christian but I always view televangelists as shysters. Just seems like everyone of them is a con artist. They never to speak to the spirit in me.

The religious con and the patriotic con are the most widely used and the most successful, because the marks come through the door ready to believe, and anyone who doesn’t believe is Satan or a Commie.

I get what you’re saying here, but it’s a slippery slope. This primes a mindset that leads to everyone dressing like a slob and being inconsiderate to everyone else because “Well they don’t know who I am and I’ll never see them again, so why even try?” I know you’re not saying that it’s okay to be rude, but sometimes

yeah but you are in public - shouldn’t there be a minimum decorum level? if I dressed in gym clothes I would be embarrassed in this setting...and in turn I find all the slobs dressed like this to be embarrassing and gross. just my opinion but I can’t help it.