What does this even mean?
What does this even mean?
HOA not required. Lots of towns have strict lawn policies. There’s concern about snakes, mosquitoes and other pests. In a lot of places if you let it go too long, the city will mow it and then send you a bill. And it’s a lot more than any landscaping company would charge.
Funny, I recognized Yara right away, and wasn’t sure if the other woman was Ellaria. I thought it definitely looked like Yara. :)
Season is broken into basically two short ones right? Cersei’s going to dominate this season, but get destroyed in the next. Calling it now.
It’s definitely Carol Danvers. She was cast a long time ago, way before the movie production was even a twinkle on the horizon. You know they had a reason for that.
Mike, obviously.
When I was an undergrad at UCLA, I was walking back to my dorm from class. Steve Harvey had a booth set up on Bruin Walk, the main walkway from the dorms to the campus. He was a guest on a local radio station, and I recognized him from TV, so I joined the small crowd in front of the booth to watch him talk to the…
They probably thought that being up on his car, they wouldn’t be able to get out of the fiery mess that was the Audi. They tried to make it easier to use the doors; especially being pinned against the post at the end there. Guessing it was for access to/by the people inside.
They probably saw flames in the rear view mirror and were trying to get away.
The US has a long, sordid history of “rugged individualism” that is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.
Isn’t that the whole point of democracy, if your boss is acting like a tool?
It’s for the youtube adverts. They give you 5 secs so you won’t skip but stay and watch the trailer before your cat videos. It’s not so much a editing idea as it is a advertising one.
Goddamn dammit! Can we abandon this trend of pre-trailer-fast-cuts of the trailer we’re about see? It got old almost immediately.
The song really annoyed me, it was too on the nose. It also sounds like a most recent teenage angst song.
Unless your basic mechanic job is a steeping stone while you train to be a Ferrari tech or something, there’s very little room for advancement. Combined with stagnating wages, being a mechanic means being stuck at a low income bracket with no real options to rise above without totally switching careers.
The bears wouldn’t be good even if this guy came out swinging and was an immediate star. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t try to shore up your team with good players at other positions and wait for a better quarterback draft class. Do the bears really think they won’t get another high draft pick like this in the…
An ice cube will not make a burger moist. An ice cube will make a burger wet. Wet, and flavourless. You need fat because fat gives you moisture and flavour.
Don’t use lean meat.
A pat of butter might be better?