
Good advice about the profile. I wasn’t clear that I was referring to irl attention. I have to think about the vibe I’m giving off. With all the chaos going on in my life, I always get the “Oh you’re strong, you’ll be fine.”

Yep! I won’t even date a co-worker. What the hell was that about.

Thank you, she said she had been part of meet ups, but she claimed she never went. So why in hell would she respond to me, who clearly wanted to date.

First of all, omg so cute. and I’m not even a kid/baby person. I’m a Kitteh!/Puppie!! person. But Obama just has that great, calming Dad thing, that kids just love.

I love Maya Rudolph and Short is funny in small doses. But her last variety show was a mess, lets hope she doesn’t have any of the producers of that last show.

Sad to say after no improvement in over a month the decision has been made for Mom to stay in her nursing care facility indefinitely. And because private insurance won’t continue to pay without seeing improvement her income less $40.00(don’t ask how they came up with that amount) will go towards her care. Since she

Family and work stress has my stomach in knots. So after a 10 hour day I’m relaxing with a cranberry and gingerale with a Benedryl chaser. Cheers Mindy.

I’m always suspect about people who support Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.

Thank you, I honest to God hope nobody asks Jeremy Irons anything again. We all know how well that went when asks about marriage equality.

Damn am I relieved you told me that was a thumb.

I’m so sorry you and you son had to go through this. Clearly mental health in this country has gotten much worse since I was first diagnosed with depression. Attempted suicide when I was 13 and got great care. Seems to depend on what State you live in. From experience, I can tell you that your first instinct will be

omg, I forgot about Japan, the only other place more suseptible to mass media standards of attractiveness than America.

You’re right that is part of it. But I’ve also known Black women who have overseas for work, had lots of romantic success and even gotten married.

Sad but true. And it really has nothing to do with the attractiveness of Black women. It’s that unlike men abroad, American men are extremely influenced by mass media. I’ve dated and will continue to date across the racial board, but my physical/sexual preference is for Black women, but I can’t tell you how many

I know. I guess I’m schizophrenic then.

Sea cow!

I work at a grocery store. While a lot of the stuff we toss(or damage out) is dairy and produce. Half of it is “sell by” dated, but still good, packaged and canned goods. They go back to distribution and get tossed. Since retail/grocery stores have to account for everything there is a whole process to damaging out

Thank you so much. I will do that. It’s been extremely lonely dealing with all this.

I don’t feel that I do. My sister is struggling in another State. And I’ve tried to form friendships here, but people are involved with their own family issues and don’t seem to listen very well. I can’t tell you how many times people who know my mother had a stroke will ask casually “How’s your mom, is she doing

Thank you for giving the full story. Ch 4 just tried to say this was a hit and run, no context no nothin’. Just another Saturday in the DMV.