
Thank you for giving the full story. Ch 4 just tried to say this was a hit and run, no context no nothin’. Just another Saturday in the DMV.

It is kind of sad that you get treated better at a lower weight. Conventionality dictates that people see you as more successful if your weight is on the lower side. Do you get more romantic attention? Because I’m 43, 5'4", pushing 170 and I’ve gotten lots of romantic attention lately.

I believe it’s the beginning of lobster week, so you are indeed ‘murricaning right.

This made me laugh really hard. Hope nobody turns out to be seriously injured/dead. The bad doctor from the Simpsons suddenly popped into my head.

Rock that red lipstick girl. You have a lot to be proud of. And since this is only your 10 year reunion, you have plenty of time to find a great guy to share all your accomplishments with. If I’d done half the things you’ve done I wouldn’t have skipped my last 2 reunions.

Just go with it. There is no known cure for Kitteh-induced cute attacks.

Gah!! cute furballs. I want to cuddle all of them.

That does sound divine. Of course anything with more than 4 cheeses sounds divine. I’ve had a dreadful week, so thank you for putting fatty bobalatty in print. It made me smile. I always thought it was fatty boombalatty. ;)

Late to SNS, as per usual. But I can’t sleep after visiting, or trying to visit my mother in her nursing facility. As some of you remember she had a stroke a little more than 2 months ago now. Her insurance wouldn’t approve her stay. Her idiot brother successfully convinced her to sign over power of attorney to him

I love this. Growing up in SoCal, my sister and I always got a laugh seeing her billboards. And we lost our minds when we saw her and her signature Corvette at the Tower Records on Sunset. Memories.

That is a great question. I didn’t even think of that being a possibility in his sport. But all those crashes, you’re right.

Cheers Marie. Your home planet is very lucky to have you back. I hope those little green men appreciate you.

hahaha. I needed that.

The only girl interested in barbies in our play group was the annoying little sister of the our friend next door. They kept us occupied for about a minute until we set up a zip line for G.I Joe(or whatever bootleg Fedco was selling), or got the Hot Wheels track assembled. We were all about action figures, shogun

I can hardly wait for this show.

That is very cool. I don’t know why I thought that filmed it at Hami all these years.

“Touch test” eh. Was that 70s bath house slang?

I lost interest in Twitter pretty quickly. Haven’t logged in for over a year.

Wasn’t that nuts?

Exactly. We start framing their whole self worth on whether they have a girlfriend or not. It’s such a disservice to both boys and girls.