I’ll have to try that. Kiwi Rugby players(or any rugby players) also help keep the cold away.
I’ll have to try that. Kiwi Rugby players(or any rugby players) also help keep the cold away.
Lots of people have said ANOTHER VET. I agree. What kind of vet tells you to dump a sick, possibly infectious kitty at the shelter. Keep the kitty, give her love and contact your local Human Society about low cost treatment for your new baby. Good luck.
That would be a good idea. Most pet insurance will only pay for emergency stuff and emergency surgery.
Cheers! what kind of wine?
haha. I did as well. Most of my friends and family are back in CA. They were shocked to see so much snow pile up. I was a little too.
I love him so much. I read and re-read his short stories. His words are pure beauty. And nobody writes about the embarrassment of unreturned affection like Turgenev. As for Chechov. Hell yes!
Good to know. Stocking up on dried cherries now. So I can do the old switcheroo when my goat companion exhibits poor social skills. And I hope they get an awesome new contract. My stepmom is a retired nurse and had to strike a couple of times back in CA.
Oh hell no, subway bruiser should also be in a cast. May your next injury be wasted related. ;)
Making spicy stir fry, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, and beefless beef strips in a Thai peanut sauce. I forgot to buy rice before the storm hit, so I’m going to stir in some wide noodles at the end. And I love potato/leek soup. Haven’t made it in a while. There’s always next week. Enjoy.
Sorry to hear Cindy and the other nurses might have to go on strike and that you’re under the weather. Feel better and thank you for giving me the possibility that one day I shall travel with an educated goat.
Completely snowed in here in Northern Virginia. Snow is gorgeous. I’m lucky enough to be warm and safe inside and am a non essential worker and don’t have to go anywhere. But it does look like I’ll lose another days wages due to what actually turned into a blizzard. Oh well safety first. What are you all doing to…
Aw, so sorry about your knee. Hope you’re not an too much pain. I love any collection of Ivan Turgenev short stories. First Love and Other Stories is my favorite. But try to find an older edition. The new one cut out a couple of beautifully written stories. Feel better. Tell us how you broke it.
I’m very glad he won the case. But am I a terrible human being for giggling at the footage of the initial bump and bike wobble?
Yeah the whole 3-6 month thing is only achievable by a couple of rich asshole relatives and one friend from high school.
I moved to VA from CA almost 4 years ago and still can’t get over how bad these folks drive. On a clear day they ignore right of way, speed in bad weather, and are completely oblivious to oncoming traffic while making left turns. They are stupid, stupid people.
haha. I’m in NoVA. Identical townhouses with steep stairs and elitists who don’t know what it’s like to work a service job. If you throw the non-tippers down the stairs. Do me a favor; throw ‘em hard! Like over-hand hard(especially if they live in Loudon County). ;)
Just ordered delivery. Ordering pizza as soon as the place opened was part of my pre-blizzard plan. But no snow on the ground yet. I would never order during a storm. Being a service worker myself, I always tip generously no matter the weather.
Bye bitch!
I’m sorry, if you’re cool enough to escape you get a reprieve.
Yes, because it’s not the water source, oh no, it’s the plumbing. There had better be indictments down the pipeline. These jackasses killed 10 people and sickened countless others to save a few million over 25 years.