Don’t blame the designers. Blame the marketing people and management who direct them.
Don’t blame the designers. Blame the marketing people and management who direct them.
Meh. They still haven’t gotten the roofline right.
Politics - “The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.”
All I’ll say is I’m glad I use RSS to go directly to the articles I want to read.
Can never see the word “Gixxer” without think of this video from ages ago...
It’ll do.
This. Nobody is saying get rid of police and the jobs they do altogether. What people are asking for is several different groups/services that are specifically trained for different kinds of situations. Traffic safety should be a specialized thing. Domestic situations should be a specialized thing. Armed violence…
I think it’s safe to say that speed alone is almost never the problem. It’s when combined with inappropriate road conditions, weather, poor driving skills, shitty attitude and outright carelessness that driving fast becomes dangerous.
It’s not unattractive, but it’s not particularly exciting or revolutionary either. I feel like three-element wheels are for cheap hot hatches, not supercars.
Rob - Curious about the panels in the windows that have smaller openings in them. Why not closed windows? Or all the way open? I’m assuming rules are partially at play here...?
My kinda stout!!
Darwin at work.
Is it cultural appropriation if you pay for it? 🤔
I like big fins, and I cannot lie...
First Gear - It appears there will be only two kinds of cars to buy in the future: Expensive cars and used expensive cars. That assumes you purchase instead of leasing or ride sharing or whatever the future holds for not actually owning the vehicle(s) you drive.
The greenhouse is a tad small, proportionally and the exhaust openings seem a little wimpy too. Other than that, I have no objections to being gifted one.
Counterpoint - Modern Fords pretty much stole the Aston Martin grille shape.
I feel like the answer is staring everyone in the face:
Agreed on the fins. When I first read they did that I thought: WHY?? Then I saw the comparison in this article and I changed my mind.