
I took out the front passenger seat for a while because the sliding door was difficult for my daughters to open. There was so much gunk in the tracks that it just didn’t want to move easily. The girls would just go through the front passenger door instead. No seat there made life a lot easier. Eventually I cleaned up

I had a 1992 Caravan beater for a while. Affectionately called the “Van of Doom”.

It will play out just fine.  No wall necessary.

Darwin in action. 

There was talk a couple years ago of a T.43 from Murray.  Basically a new Lotus Elise type car.  Haven’t really heard anything since.  I hope it’s still an active project. 

Overall, I like it. There’s a clear lineage to the McLaren F1 from a philosophical and aesthetic point of view. A few nits to pick: The greenhouse seems really wide, not a lot of tumblehome. I assume to gain more room for the two passengers. Not successful appearance-wise. Not to me. Not a fan of the wheels, either.

My ex-girlfriend has done it. (Legitimately.) She was a triathlete, though. Lesser mortals need not try...

Canada doesn’t want them.  How about a Waterworld-like place in the middle of Lake St.Clair and Lake Huron? 

Probably less than .1%

The fact that there were so many Chump supporters present and that this was near Florida is totally unsurprising. Stupidity is synonymous with both.

Since when has that ever stopped a nation-state from doing it?  You think some other country would complain if the Coast Guard policed the area to keep it safe for the capsule crew? 

Funny thing is, Chump is on no one’s side but his own.  Wait, not funny...

Probability of these being the same people who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigrants from our southern border?  Yes percent.

You can swim across the Detroit River...

Daft, more like.

I’m not sold on the chrome eyelid thingies, but the rest of it is pretty nifty. All it lacks is a more interesting exhaust.  Maybe a stinger popping out of the truck or something like that...

Why are there so many utility vehicle categories? Why does the headline say “cars” and then you make the majority of the categories trucks? Why did you define types of vehicles instead of use cases?

A shitty human being AND a shitty driver.  Sad.

Others meantioned bits and pieces of this but I’ll put it all in one place:

Not a fan of that later TVR models.  Aggressive, yes.  But also warped looking surfaces in some places, and messy detailing.