Ms Sula

So Landon basically wants to And I Am Telling You his way back into Rainbow Fish’s heart, meanwhile she took out a whole restraining order. You know how tedious that is? She meant business.

I wasted a lot of time not believing Maya Angelou’s famous quote: “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Similarly, when someone tells you to leave them alone (“I don’t have time for a relationship,” “I’d be a bad boyfriend,” “There’s no hope for us”), you absolutely have to believe them

One thing I learned is that the kids have a great shot if the parents behave like adults. Nurturing, child-focused, not undermining the other parent, etc.

Take out the probably and I fit the description. For all the white people that are about to post in the greys, first, fuck you, secondly, it’s akin to when you excuse law enforcement for killing a black person, and thirdly, fuck you again.

I love that you dropped the New Bae line at the bottom like you dropped the newly single line in that afcebook post. Lol!!!

Times I’ve blindly rooted for the black person:

Side note: it’s technically* not possible to be rooting for someone at these award shows who’s “not any good” — they’re nominated in the first place, above all other performers, because they were “good.”

Yes!!!!! There are very few African accents I’ve found genuinely convincing, respectfully accurate, etc. Hers is right there at the top. Many others do a “generic African accent” which seems entirely unrelated to the lingustics and patterns of the country involved. She was also consistent in her Botswanan accent and

Hot take: It’s why many of us rooted for OJ back in 94/95 knowing full well he probably did it.

It’s not like he stumbled into the job unknowingly. Or that he didn’t peddle Trump’s lies to the American people EVERY DAY FOR MONTHS.

Nah, this is just a game to them. Once a player is off the field, everybody’s friends.

Exactly why I’d vote for the Night King in every opportunity. As a nightwalker, you’re devoid of any feelings, which beats the constant anxiety Darth Cheeto has bestowed us with. 

He brings endless winter with him. He doesn’t need a position on global warming, he has a solution.

No more years!

If you can’t act natural, you aren’t ready, Bradley.

You’re tapping into the vein that most people aren’t looking at. Law had a severance and then got unemployment. You are also spot on that unemployment for two years is not realistic and folks would throw the b.s. flag at the storyline.

Lawrence needs to stop relying on Chad for advice. When Lawrence fucks up when he’s righting himself, he was usually guided in that direction by some man advice from Chad. What Lawrence needs to do is embrace his inner nerd, play some D&D, and get the confidence he needs to take charge of his life.

For what it’s worth. Lawrence has done trash things but I don’t it makes him trash. It makes him musty, and in need of a good bath, with some eucalyptus and spearmint essential oils. And we all need that at some point you know. Cause that’s life.