
Yeah, I guess AMH Roanoke was the phone-in he got to do last year GOOD GOD

This is especially poignant for me, because Mr. Zonday somehow became my 401st Twitter follower yesterday.

Even without the baggage, the character seems insufferable. I couldn't make it more than 10 minutes into the pilot. I get that the clunky dialogue is somewhat the point, but I can't with this.

"The cold open was a nicely creepy bit of oddness. Presumably “Yuri Gurka” will be relevant down the line."

Was SO disappointed that this wasn't the same C&D.


I definitely agree that children's entertainment isn't, for the most part, dark enough. 'Return to Oz' and all that traumatizing stuff was actually formative in probably some positive ways.

Meghan Trainor has always struck me as someone who'd try to get me involved in her multi-level marketing scheme at a professional women's networking event.

Yes, but what a fun sound-byte to return to as we ignore much larger, inter-generational problems!

I agree, except that I think Boomers deserve more responsibility for some of those accusations (recession, housing bubble bursting, etc.).

I get really tired of the charge that people in this age bracket were endlessly fawned over. Maybe it's just my bubble, but there was a healthy balance of "have self-esteem!" and "you're not getting away with shit" when I was growing up. The whole participation trophy trope is tired and ignorant; also, self-esteem is

But it was two stories!

Distractingly bad.

YES. And in the behind-the-episode they talked about how she cracked them up during her reading, which means SHE AUDITIONED and they still thought she was a good idea.

I'm sorry I stopped taking Stacey Boss's calls. This is all on me.

Yeah, they're really hyping up how amazing it was to have Shosh go MIA, and it wasn't. This ending felt tacked-on after the writers realized they'd forgotten about one of their main characters.

Points for the Carl Hiassen reference. Agree to disagree on how that bit of writing landed.

Not arguing that they're extreme, I'm arguing that the writing didn't strike me as realistic. But if it worked for you, great.

Understandable, but now there's a BABY on the line…!

But plenty of commenters were similarly taken aback by the assumption the reviewer made. It's an odd generalization.