
I know it's tough for white people to understand, but not every space is for you and your feelings. I know, shocker!!! The world is about you, all the time, everywhere. The group here on VSB is about honest discussion concerning our culture. If you want to come here to learn, fine. But at the end of the day, we don't

You already had the script apparently. Why do you work so hard to prove us right all the time? We didn't need anymore evidence. We get it, the article about her firing linked you to VSB, a site you had never heard of nor cared about, and in your righteous indignation over Poor Wendy and the violation of her freedom of

I was about to say, it had to be something. I mean they invaded this space like the crack epidemic. Well next week they'll be gone and things will return to normal around here.

Is she in jail?

The only victims I see here are you people running in here to tell us about your feelings and how oppressed you are by black people. Why are you here? We don't want you nor do we need your commentary. You're like gnats at our summer picnic. You offer nothing of value to this conversation that frankly ISN'T EVEN MEANT

Seriously, did StormFront or Fox link VSB? Where did they come from…like Columbusing Locusts or something.

As another poster already said so eloquently:

'I wasn't racist, you've made me this way'


Heart disease… it's the number one killer.

Right… if anything I'm lining the glass of margaritas with the salt

HAHAHA!!! Oh my word. You people are hilarious and clueless. Did you even read the article or did you come in here like a caped crusader yelling about 'black privilege?' Did StormFront send you here?

You're welcome.

I cannot write what I would like to do in this situation over the internet, so I'm just going to whistle.

That's so gross…

Or Alabama… Can't leave out my place of birth :-(

I fear my father would have had the cops called on him and they would have shot him.


All Damn day!