
When they read "Anti-Material", was I the only one hoping for a Fallout article?

As a keen cyclist, I have no idea how this bag would be remotely practical on a bicycle.

Thing is, no matter how dangerous this may or may not have been, the fact the source is The Sun renders the whole thing pointless and shit and we should all just move on and forget about it.

OR you could just use MIUI? Same sort of thing though granted it is easier to just install a launcher as opposed to a whole rom.

I can't help but think they should have embraced the idea of the 4" screen. Or would that have made it not fit in 50% of all the dock connector based equipment out there? I dunno.

I remember being a potential customer - but then I remember what a pain in the ass it was to get one in the UK. So I kept my iRiver H340 for a few more years. :)

It's the whole 'getting out again' bit that looks the hardest...

That is a lot of virgins.

Tips of the day -

That's my problem. And that most people (myself included) simply cannot be arsed with two social networking sites. One is enough and I don't even pay much attention to that as it is.

Everybody knows it's the Autobots. This is just a cover up.

Congratulations. As well as owning your identity, Google now owns a picture of your junk too.

Agreed. I tried so hard to like it and forced myself to use it, but it was just so slow - and I thought my Galaxy S wasn't a particularly slow phone.

Holy shit Microsoft just bridged the gap between the mobile OS and the desktop OS.

Android on x86.

This looks so similar to my Panasonic TZ-10. Except without the, you know... naked bits.

Just... wow.

Not that I care about the whole Apple thing and nor will I ever own an Apple product, but you gotta admit it's still a very clever marketing solution.

It'd be nice if they stopped adding new features and just fixed the old ones first.

To be fair, I cannot stand all the Apple orientated articles I come across - however I must admit I do like this one. Fair play to the little Jap.