
The best way to confront aggression is to face it head on.

Bullshit false equivalence. People were “afraid” of Obama taking away their rights based on dumb lies made up by his enemies.

It makes her less of a human, and last time I checked women are humans.

You are being INCREDIBLY disingenuous to suggest that calling Trump staffers and their supporters nazis is the same as calling Obama a nazi. Steve Bannon, who Conway has defended rigorously, has demonstrable ties to white supremacy and neo nazis. Neo Nazis are legitimately excited about this presidency, to the point

You’re right - these photographs are clearly all baskets filled with kittens.

[that is a troll]

“This bitch is a fucking Nazi”

Your disagreement with Keeva is exactly why that witch used “sexist” to frame a valid criticism of her behavior. It was meant to distract from her atrocious behavior and give her cover. She is actively working against feminism and rights for women but using “code words” to elicit sympathy from the same group she’s

Calling someone a Nazi as a blatant insult is wrong. Calling someone a Nazi because they are a Nazi is fine. Just like calling someone a Nazi apologist when that is what they are is fine. See, you for example, are a Nazi apologist, and that’s not me insulting you, it’s a statement of fact, so its fine.

That’s not true. Only some of them are Nazis, most of them are Nazi apologists and Nazi supporters. I think it’s important we label them correctly so that it’s harder for them to defend themselves.

Please provide video of Obama supporters raising their arms in a Heil Obama salute. I can show you one of trump supporters doing it.

Needs more stars

You are in denial about the fact that these are fascists; this is the rise of American Fascism. Here is a definition of fascism.

“Remember that we just spent 8 years listening to the right call Obama and everyone near him a Nazi”

First, I am a woman. Second,

First, I refuse to take a woman who has built a career on the belief that feminism is bad for women seriously when she cries “sexism.” Even if it were a legitimate charge, which in this case it is not.

Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)

She is a fucking MASTER of misdirection.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, SHE’S FUCKING TROLLING US! She’s co-opting feminist language specifically to prevent us from criticizing her actual statements. Now we’re talking about Joe Fucking Scarborough when what we should be talking about is the fact that she is struggling with the fact that Donald Trump is Donald

Possible sexism against Conway is pretty far down the list of fucks to give at this moment. I’m struggling to think of a less consequential thing to worry about today.