Because it’s ok then? What a fucking tool you are!
Because it’s ok then? What a fucking tool you are!
Is that absolute value, or multiplying negative integers?
The hijabs cancel out. I learned that in my Muslim Math 101 class at Trump University.
This is like “Other Guys,” Boston serious style. Jesus Christ, that trailer is going to rile up the Trump base for whoopin’ it up against Muslims.
I’m trying to figure out the logical end of this thought that isn’t “it’s okay to withhold the rights of a person in hijab if it’s by another person in hijab.”
OOHHHHHH, well, that makes it ok, then :P
The part of David Ortiz will be played by Emma Stone, with the part of Curt Schilling being played by a partially microwaved Teddy Ruxpin doll with a tape of Alex Jones greatest hits inside.
Racist white guys are gonna jerk off so hard to this movie.
Can we pass a law that says “so long as the survivors of an act of terror are alive no third party may profit off them”?
SPOILER ALERT: The movie ends with Pete Carroll deciding to run the ball leading to Bill Belichick and the Pats winning Super Bowl XLIX
No one has thought about Cliff Harris since 2013 and he hasn’t done anything to garner any attention to himself.
C’mon, there is a 0% chance you would have made this post if that picture didn’t exist, right? I don’t want to be overly sensitive, but the dude is either dealing with serious mental issues, serious addiction issues, or a combination of the two.
What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of…
I have really mixed feelings on this issue:
I completely agree. I view this the same way as if Chelsea Manning was a cisgendered male. I believe that her treatment should be corrected, but should never be a part of consideration for her release.
Unlike various other whistle blowers, she didn’t read any of the information she was releasing and provided it wholesale to Wikileaks. While it happened to contain some things that were good vis a vis transparency, most of it was important national security information that shouldn’t have been made public. None of it…
This is my favorite part from the WSJ article:
Hey, so Trump and his ilk have declared Assange a hero, surely our president-elect will pardon Manning for her great acts of heroism, right?