
Wow - go to law school care about your grades, like clothes but don’t obsess about it and look way better than the model.

Ummmmm I feel like the answer to that one is pretty clear at this point in the election season.

Michelle Obama, Mother of America has a nice ring to it.

I mostly agree. I think it’s the ruching that will make it look dated. I love the copper color though, it just needs a different cut. As this comment thread shows though, she’s had so many great looks over the last 8 years in the White House. I’ll miss her when she’s gone.

There has never been a more appealing, attractive family in the White House – ever.

Sorry, but this is for science. (From here)

Did you see the way the metal mesh fabric is reflecting off her skin? Such skin! We should all be that lucky. My Goodness!

I’ve loved Michelle Obama since her 2008 convention speech. No, before that. When she went through the whole bullshit about being proud of America.

All hail Khaleesi Michelle. We are not worthy.

Someone should cut in some of the Budweiser Clydesdales to add some graceful clomping to that video 

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.

Heh Twitter is forever trolling her and Kendall, but to be fair either the blogs are setting them up for it or they do it themselves.

Now if only Taylor Swift would admit “I’m still learning how to sing”.

Naomi and her peers weep at the current state of the modelling industry. Now it seems people get supermodel status based more on their IG followers than actual look/skill.

As a fat woman who gets plenty of the sex with plenty different types of people, many of whom look in a way that even thin folks consider “holy shit hot” territory, let me assure you— feeling insecure about how you look in the sack has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with patriarchally enforced

...file a lawsuit against porn workers deemed to be in violation of it, requiring their real names and addresses to become part of the public record.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”