
I'm sorry your son was diagnosed with autism, but science is the only thing people can depend on. Scientific studies, when performed correctly and peer-reviewed in well established journals should be the only source that matters. It's the ignorance that people have on vaccines, and the fact they listen to brainless

Most dont doubt that they care for their children, we also dont doubt that they are F-ng morons. What most of us find amazing is that they care so much that they are willing to ignore reality and convince themselves that they actually found some great conspiracy that Big Pharma and the government of every country in

"Please do your research and choose your words more carefully before you shoot your mouth off..."

I was listening to a Science Friday interview with a anti-vaccinator on NPR. The host asked what information would the guest need to change her mind about vaccination. She said nothing could change her mind. THAT is what we are dealing with. People who don't want to believe. People who have a stake in NOT

Wrong. Your lack of understanding of herd immunity does not disprove it.

I have to wonder, is it just because I'm a scientist that things like this make me depressed? How do we inform people who don't want to be informed? How do we educate people who see no value in scientific knowledge? How do we live with ourselves while watching those who believe that ignorance is a right make

schools should't allow un-vaccinated kids to go to schools.

I'm going to try to find a nice way to tell you that you're a fucking moron. The Israeli day care study only serves to prove that kids, adults can still get a low level pertussis infection and act if carriers even if they have been vaccinated. The vaccinations are not 100% effective for life. No one ever said they

unfortunately vaccines are based on "herd" coverage. For them to be fully effective 90% immunization rate has to be achieved... The antiscience push from the celebridiots has skewed the percentage...thus endangering any baby in any hospital...

The only way to get the anti-vaxxers to listen to reason is for their kids to die in large numbers. The sooner that happens, the better off we all are.

Well worth watching this docu on the crash, i watched it a few years back, they talk to the drivers, people who were injured & use computer modeling of the crash.

Hawthorn was squarely to blame. His lack of situational awareness caused everything after that-

No, they pulled out of all motor sports until AMG ran cars in the late 1960's. Mercedes factory teams didn't come back until 1985, with an F1 return as a supplier in 1994 and as a constructor in 2010.

You should have seen my face after moving from the US to Germany and searched for a beater "gas" Mazda 323... and found none. Moments later I realized "petrol" was also a fuel choice, and my search results jumped to the 5 digit range I was expecting.

How many diesel cars have you actually driven? I find the torque of the diesel to be very satisfiying, and not to mention how nicely it cruises on a long distance journey mate...

I think this would have been a more fair comparison if you had gotten the R8 TDi and were comparing it to an S8. Comparing a sports car to a sedan and then saying that gas beats diesel because the gas sports car was significantly more fun to drive is like saying a John Deere backhoe is a better piece of heavy

you're comparing apples and pineapples and arguing that they're both a type of apple.

Small clean diesels are fantastic for economical driving.

Honestly, who cares about the pole? It's a 24 hour race. Think about it.

We talked to Allan McNish soon after getting back from the track, and while they still don't know exactly what happened to the Number 1 car at the Porsche Curves, on thing is for sure: Roughly zero parts of it could be reused after such a massive impact.