Fire Mark Jackson<em></em>
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Oh, hello again. Yes, I have returned from my book-writing sabbatical—venturing to the Yukon, wrestling wild salmon,

He’s like a high school drama queen. If people stop paying attention to him for more than a day or two, he says or does something outrageous to make everyone look at him again. He thinks he’s clever and edgy, but it’s actually just sad.

Ron Howard is an Academy Award winning director (once again, OSCAR winning director) who pretty much came up in the same beast (though a generation away) as Spielberg and Lucas.

False. Rosenbloom’s schtick has long been complete fucking idiocy that, once pointed out, he claims was sarcasm when in reality he was being 100% serious. Rosenbloom is a shitheel, plain and simple

The Bears tablet:

So, filling the park with humans to kill and rape in OG Westworld is fine but those ethnically same people killing and raping in Shogun world would be racist?

She stabbed two children under 6 multiple times. The little girl had defense wounds. I couldn’t give less of a shit about her depression. Millions of people deal with depression and don’t do things like this.

Thank you for this well-written and gut-wrenching article. Having recently gone through one of those “life-upending” tragedies - my father, a historically non-violent person, killed my mother and then himself, completely out of the blue - I find myself thinking about mental illness and where accountability

No. It wasn’t intentionally racist. The suspension is ridiculous. Pandering to the SJW crowd.

Really? I’m at a loss for words here. You have to be insane to think he said that with any racial malice.

Before I even clicked on the link, I thought “sentient pouch.”

The only people who complain about this are people who are only looking for something about which to complain. They should be ignored or openly mocked as appropriate, as always.

I don’t remember “first” but three things that come to mind:

What’s left unanswered and even unasked in this article is what should have happened?

And how is that information irrelevant to the current situation? It’s also senseless that he was deported twice and got back in and (presumably) was employed. It doesn’t make anyone a racist to think that illegal immigrants are a problem.

You’re right but don’t you think, at best, the refs behaved inappropriately in yesterday’s game?

Just what we need, a rivalry between east coast and west coast crappers

I think I speak for many when I say - who the fuck is Jack Michaels.

No, research has proven that power is the biggest factor in sexual misconduct, not gender. Since our society is a patriarchy, that means more men are in position to abuse power than women. Evsn your own example proves it - the middle-aged fast food manager still has power over the 16 year-old he harrases. But don’t