Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.
Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.
From the looks of her hands, I think she was operating that mining drill.
Damn LeBron really making hard to keep up my irrational dislike of him.
Durant heard that Jackson was winning the argument so he’s on his side now.
So... are you mad at the scene or...?
It is over 30 years old now. I mean...
It sure is getting a lot of press due to the movie. Did you all just read the book for the first time?
Are athletes just unaware on her history of doing this sort of thing? She has an extensive history of putting athletes on blast who do this, but they still insist on shooting their shot.
Fall weather is the best- perfectly temperate, not too hot or too cold. Also, any season that has football is by definition a superior season to other seasons. That really cannot be overstated.
Andrea Constand is so brave. And what I got from her testimony is that Cosby spent a long time grooming her. His fixation on the fact that she had an involuntary orgasm when he violated her is disgusting.
Not having his shit together? People that are “depressed” aren’t losers that “don’t have their shit together”. It’s a disease. It’s not like people who contemplate suicide are walking around wearing a sign, or would show signs of this during a podcast. I speak from experience. Depression is a mother fucker. I…
I’ve probably seen Cornell, whether with Soundgarden, Audioslave, or solo, more than any other performer. This news really shook me up. People considering suicide should never forget there are resources to help them.
It’s hard to even be mad when your team gets fucking dismantled like that. The Hawks looked like these were the first 4 games of the season that they had played together, just simple passes up the ice were an adventure.
His lawyer is even trying to get him off on this one too!
Ok, so he can be racist, but I can’t? Hey society, here’s your mirror.
If we’re so slow, how come we caught and enslaved you?
The nature of his transgression, along with his defensive reactions after they were revealed, have made him a toxic commodity. It’s not even a corporal punishment issue, because what he did goes far beyond that; he basically beat the fuck out of his kid. Then he was pissed about being vilified for something he pretty…
How good is Lonzo? Because I assume everyone in the NBA is going to try and dunk on him because of his shitheel dad.
And this just confirms everything us Bears fans suspected, he did not work his ass off for the team.
Netflix and Marvel’s Iron Fist is not good TV. It is bad and boring TV with terrible fight scenes and a lead actor…
I expect a great deal of humanity in these comments. A hundred times more than I expect from this administration. Great article!