Ms. Huberman

Although no one without access to the limited number of polls since Saturday night can say they “knew” this coming, people who follow democractic politics should have known this was a strong possibility for two reasons:

I am rabidly pro-choice BUT:

Great pictures, but I wish the caption/commentary would discuss the pics in the order they appear.  It’s confusing when it’s out of order, and sometimes I just have no idea which dress you are talking because more than one person in each set of pictures is unfamiliar to me.  

I am having the exact same dilemna. I have always been strict about no Christmas before Thanksgiving, but am itching to start decorating this year because I’m in a new place and could use the cheer.

California does not recognize common law marriage for it’s own residents (it does recognize transplants as married if they come from a state where common law marriage is recognized).

This is the best piece I’ve read on jezebel in years.

This is the best piece I’ve read on jezebel in years.

If you are a woman, put your purse the backseat when you buckle the kid in.   If you are a man, put something else you absolutely “have” to take with you in teh backseat with the kid (e.g. briefcase with phone in it, shoes).  

A good abstract on this. Summary - there is some evidence this reduces recidivism rates among sex offenders.

Being groped by a stranger is deeply humiliating. I admire women who immediately react and turn on the groper, but they are unusual. Most women, even really strong, stand-up-for-yourself types like me, tend to freeze due a combination of embarassment and shock. Many will focus first on getting away from the

I love this vision. Sign me up to ride shotgun with Bill, rocking out to the great sax pieces of the 70's and 80's and campaigning for Hill at every burger joint from Texas to Florida!