
It's a GTO, I think.

Scotch Guard yourself. You don't know where that shit's been.

Yes. Also my least favorite Hardy Boy.

Totally not part of the advertising. I've been ordering it that way for the last 25 years.

The Benders. From Season 1. Didn't they kill the Benders?

Or maybe entering into Heaven with "In the Light" playing in the background.

He was listening to Billy Squier, wasn't he? Ugh. Just once I wish the show could afford to actually use Led Zeppelin.

Oh my god. I'd take Live or the Hooters over Poison. And I hate Live. And the Hooters.

Are you kidding me? The Ramones. How can anyone think NY and not think of the Ramones?!

As a Pennsylvanian, I'm horrified by this.

I know. It's nowhere near as bad as Carouselambra.

I think young Dean was wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt at one point, so I'll take that tiny crumb.

So why was Pennsylvania considered "enemy territory" in 1774?

Only if he got caught. And, even then, only if he couldn't pay the fine.

Best line of the show: "What? You don't want to get in touch with your inner cholo?"

They were so… silky.

What? No love for Tig's boxers?


Nope. We definitely called them Hessians. One guy in particular used to call me Little Hessian, which, as a girl, I took great offense at. Then again he wasn't so wrong: I was probably wearing jeans, a flannel shirt and brown suede moccasins at the time. I never heard the term 'hesher' until way after college.

That's what we called them way back when I was in high school. I have no idea why. So whenever I hear the word Hessian, I think of the dudes in the back parking lot in their shitty muscle cars, smoking weed and listening to Iron Maiden.