
Didn't think of that. But when he said, "Balls!", it was a very Bobby Singer moment. I could have sworn there was a black '67 Impala in the background somewhere.

All Frampton aside, I kept waiting for Dean to call the guy Jimmy.

Billy Idol? Really?

I've said it before… if they ever get around to doing another Them Crooked Vultures record, I hope Jonesy brings Jimmy along for the ride.

The thought of Jimmy Page pining away for the varsity years makes me quite sad. But the thought of him trying on the dragon suits from time to time just to see if they still fit makes me giggle a bit.

Jim Beaver. Idjit.

Led Zeppelin II: Whole Lotta Love and What Is and What Should Never Be. Woo, baby. Gets me every time!

Jimmy Page, is that you?

Nope. John Bonham. With a mudshark.

Nope. John Bonham. With a mudshark.

I've always found his solo stuff rather… meh.

I've always found his solo stuff rather… meh.

No, no. Chibs. With the hat. And his lovely Scottish accent.

No, no. Chibs. With the hat. And his lovely Scottish accent.

Oh, c'mon, Yummsh, like Robert Plant would actually do that. Also, I think some of the blame for that awkward interview lies on Letterman. "So your drummer dies…" They're not Spinal Tap, Dave.

Oh, c'mon, Yummsh, like Robert Plant would actually do that. Also, I think some of the blame for that awkward interview lies on Letterman. "So your drummer dies…" They're not Spinal Tap, Dave.

I'm probably alone in thinking this, but if they ever do another Them Crooked Vultures record, I wish John Paul Jones would bring Jimmy Page along for the ride…

I'm probably alone in thinking this, but if they ever do another Them Crooked Vultures record, I wish John Paul Jones would bring Jimmy Page along for the ride…

Wait. That's a girl?

Wait. That's a girl?