
Since Dean had C4 handy to blow that dragon sword out of that rock last season, you'd think they it would be totally plausible that they'd also have a samurai sword in their trunk, but I guess not. I'd like to think they borrowed it from Eliot Spencer.

I liked that Sam and Dean's stolen car du jour was an AMC Pacer. Party on, Garth, indeed.

I think he called Dean a douchebag. Not nice, Phil.

I loved him as Adam on Northern Exposure. Something about the combination of cranky woodsman/culinary genius…

They'd be the dumb-ass version of Bonnie and Clyde.

I think Opie summed up season 3 best: "Can we just find your kid so we can get out of this moss covered shithole?!"

I'm assuming Crowley is still pissed that Cas double-crossed him with the whole opening the door to purgatory thing, so he's probably looking to kick some angel ass.

I thought she might be pregnant, seeing as they barely showed her below the shoulders.

Just once I wanted him to say, "Where's the money Lebowski?!!"

I thought it was kinda sweet that Dean's been hanging on to that bloody trench coat all this time…

"Asylum" from season 1 and "Sam, Interrupted" from season 5 come to mind…

It's as if a porcupine exploded on his head.

Woody the Coroner will always be Zachariah the angel/dick with wings from Supernatural to me.

So, Raylan totally saw the gun up his sleeve, right? I mean, they did an extra long shot of it gleaming out from Quarles's cuff and then cut to a look of recognition on Raylan's face, so I'm thinking, you know, Raylan knows.

I know, I know! I would pay good money to see Mark Pellegrino sing "Stairway to Heaven". Seriously. I would.

So Lucifer was singing "Stairway to Heaven" over and over again? Talk about a bustle in your hedgerow, Sam…

I was waiting for him to call Napier an idjit. He'll always be Bobby to me, too.

If only that guy was Tim…

Agreed about Arlo. But he's only charming and likeable when he's on his meds.

Sons of Anarchy Tara? Because I could agree with that…