This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?
This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?
“I never see anybody on TV.”
This is a terribly written article.
When did he say or act as if nazis weren’t bad? I thought the intent was that he thought nazis were a joke. Which depending on your point of view, they can be. And the same beliefs as a racist? I mean, someone who isn’t a racist and is can absolutely have the same views: a YouTuber who doesn’t believe a dev has the…
Hold up, how is just dropping an n-bomb racist? He didn’t call a black dude an n-word, so how is just saying it inherently racist? That’s ridiculous. For context, I’m half black, and I personally can’t see why there’s so much outrage over this. Sure, it’s probably not the best word for him to use to express his…
Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.
It’s a reference to the classic Christmas movie “A Christmas Story” where young Ralphie finally gets a decoder pin from his favorite radio show, “Lil’ Orphan Annie”, and is given a secret code on the radio he is sure is super important. Finally decoding the message (on the toilet, while his brother needs to go), it…
Or just stop caring what random people think of you, especially since you likely won’t ever talk to/see them again.
I did this and only got a purple, what gives?
I did this and only got a purple, what gives?
god I hate overwatch.
god I hate overwatch.
Filthy Casual. Everyone knows sprays are classified as “common” items.
Filthy Casual. Everyone knows sprays are classified as “common” items.
Oh boy, can’t wait to get a legendary spray for a character I don’t like. Thanks RNGesus!
Oh boy, can’t wait to get a legendary spray for a character I don’t like. Thanks RNGesus!
I didn’t know twitch Prime was a thing. Thank you for making my life both better and worse... But mostly better!
I didn’t know twitch Prime was a thing. Thank you for making my life both better and worse... But mostly better!
I don’t play Overwatch. Can I give these to someone, or are they just “wasted” on me?
I don’t play Overwatch. Can I give these to someone, or are they just “wasted” on me?
It seems like a shared Amazon Prime account is not eligible, unless it is the main/primary account. My Amazon account gets Prime benefits through a shared Prime account but isn’t the main account, and linking it with Twitch takes me to the Amazon Prime purchase page.
It seems like a shared Amazon Prime account is not eligible, unless it is the main/primary account. My Amazon…
For anyone interested purely because there’s a seasonal event going on right now, know that these exclude event items.
For anyone interested purely because there’s a seasonal event going on right now, know that these exclude event…
For anyone interested purely because there’s a seasonal event going on right now, know that these exclude event items.
For anyone interested purely because there’s a seasonal event going on right now, know that these exclude event…
a far better deal is they are giving away frost prime in warframe for free. granted warframe is criminally underplayed its free to install and the amount of work needed to get to frost prime is much much greater than the amount of work needed to get 5 loot boxs in overwatch
a far better deal is they are giving away frost prime in warframe for free. granted warframe is criminally…