
I have a 2016 Superjet and it is 10x more fun than a shitty sit down pussy jetski. People look at your like youre some kind of god while riding it too. I get tons of comments and lookers which makes it just that much more fun to own. Also, glaring at the fat pussies on their sitdowns brightens my day.

I think a lot of people like it still, myself being one of them

Sure, you could make the argument that his loss was to easy move into the next story arc, but I’ll make the argument that Ash is a loser and doomed to lose forever and ever.

Sager is offering 1070 equipped notebooks for 1600

Wow that was cringe worthy

Yep. I was yelling at the TV and couldn’t belive what I was seeing him do

For him to grow up and stop being a pussy

I went back and watched a lot of the original Pokemon as an adult and holy shit Ash is ridiculously stupid and deserves to win NOTHING

Maybe if it was “Ash could win, finally win...”

Great. I just watched a 4 minute Toyota ad

Should have been arrested for that mustache

You sound like a fun person

And that was clearly not a serious comment...

Maybe thats why it never flew in WWII, because it would just crash

What, was a Facebook post too hard to do? 20 tweets is fucking retarded

I’m pretty sure my scan rate is set to 5 minutes. My gf will see a Pokémon literally minutes before I ever do. It’s bullshit

Yep I used to take mine running with me at the track but gave up because I was tired of tracking only .3 kilometers

Not 100% sure but I think CP means child porn

I think she’s a liar, that or grossly overstating what happened