
The Weather Channel is such a strange mix of actual science reporting and “entertainment.” They’ve had this one lady reporter standing in an Orlando parking lot all day so that she can report about how gas hasn’t run out but yesterday night Jim Cantore was reporting from a nearby beach exclaiming about how much beach

LOL. Judging by which way the plants next to him are bending, he’s bracing himself in the wrong direction, too.

At the same time, Florida officials warned residents not to let their guards down, as the unpredictable storm could shift its trajectory again before it’s expected to reach the coast on Monday and into Tuesday.”

Grammar question, is this not an example of a statistical enumeration, which is a genuinely accepted usage for less as one of the exceptions for countable things like time and money (i.e. less then 20 accounts out of 5.2 M)?

Agreed. The worst administrators I ever dealt with were those who didn’t teach long, those who taught at a different level than they were administrating, and those who never taught at all. Sad how many of them fell in all three categories.

I’m on the young side of Gen X. When this story went viral a couple of days ago I googled “what is tik tok.” I read some long thing on Vox or some other site like that and I still have no idea what it is.

A TikTok is NEVER: The glock.
A TikTok IS:  Just some nuts and a cock.

Seriously, what’s a TikTok?

I can tolerate the loyalists, as long as the normal rules apply, like say, Roger Stone getting caught on his own tomfoolery.

Only way this is interesting is if Fox News/Murdoch empire is reading the tea leaves and beginning the separation process before things go belly-up in 2020.

I don’t think you get it. There is literally only one fucking issue right now. Everything needs to be discussed in how it ties to climate change. We need healthcare because holy fuck climate change is going to wreck our health. We need the ability to strike because holy shit climate change is going to need mass

I’m going to wait until the porn parody on xHamster.

Eh, I don’t think so. Seems like she’s complaining because the hardest part of her workday is going to be...watching TV for 3 hours. Probably while getting drunk.

Based on ages, several may be wearing actual diapers.

How to prep for the slaughter of Biden by the murderous stylings of Warren & Bernie.

Joe is 100% going to start a story with “the year was nineteen dickety-two, we had to say ‘dickety’ because the Kaiser had stolen our word ‘twenty.’”

Better get use to it because the DOJ and GOP are going to go all out over the next 14 months and throw as much shit out there as possible to muddy the waters. None of which is actually going to exonerate Trump in any way from any of the ten thousand illegal activities he’s been implicated in mind you.

You know what.

So now James Comey understands a very little how Hils Clinton felt.