A helium cunt.
A helium cunt.
Yeah it’d be one thing if it was just the adderall, but with the other things you mention, no thanks
As I noted in another post, in our pre-literate society, 12 long years ago, we just didn’t have a clue about these things.
Ten years ago was practically the Dark Ages. What did we know then? We had only just gotten electricity and women’s rights were virtually unheard of. Fucking adolescent girls didn’t carry the stigma in those days that it carries now.
May the lord open (what the hell does THAT even mean?)
Yeah especially cushy when you just blather shit out. Does he even do any research? Does he actually report on some news happening or do in depth coverage of particular issue?
That explains a few things. The Repubs have been assimilated. Resistance was futile.
Yeah I was thinking why don’t we go ahead and do that anyway.
I’m going to visit a friend in Manchester later this month. Looking forward to it even more now. (He says the exact same thing about location.)
The whole thing strikes me as a bit disingenuous.
No cable at my house either. I was at the car repair today and they had the tv on in the customer lounge and my god. The coming demise of humanity will also be no big loss.
It may be naive or stupid of me, but it galls me that the ACA starts out constitutional, but then they take out the part that makes it constitutional, then decide they have to repeal the whole thing. Why can’t the court rule that the second law is unconstitutional for making the previously constitutional ACA now…
WTF? I knew that the next generations would develop their own cultures, but I thought we’d all always speak English.
Left or right that stuff is just common sense. Half of it would cost nothing. You could just fucking do it. Yet half the country would think of that list as unthinkable horror. God oh god. (And yet the ones that would oppose it are defending Epstein.*)
I was thinking along similar lines. All that money (well at least to me it would be), and now it’s officially flushed. I could have run for president and literally used it every bit as effectively as Swalwell, which is to say zero effect, though I probably would have had a marvelous time. They all raise 100’s of…
I was only vaguely aware of that show he did. It hit me one day that a big reason he was elected was that he had hosted a TV show. Just think, but for a few years we could have had President Lucy Ricardo (who would have done better than this one so long as Ethel was there helping to distract Ricky and Fred).
If I may ask, to what does your screen name refer? I mean, what exactly did RM do?
That’s exactly how I look at it. That kid in the Twilight Zone.
Yeah checks and balances. Everyone just bend over and spread ‘em now and save all the hand wringing. And if you think you’re getting K-Y best think again.
Yeah the problem people stick out and make an impression. Very easy to make generalizations that are probably not quite accurate.