This won't work, how will millionaires light their cigars?!
Those are really nice... but not $10 nice.
I once read that the logo for the London Olympics looked like Lisa Simpson performing a "special favor", and ever since I can't not see it. Sorry to tarnish your mind.
This is a little unfair since the people that are trying to keep up are starting from a stop, while the guy is entering the screen at full speed. Not that it matters, because that matters because that kind of pace is still freakish.
Not to be a jerk, but the term marathon represents the distance, not the amount of time it takes to run. There is really no way it could stop being a marathon.
I liked when he opens the book and says "this is the art book for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim..."
I vote that the next time SNL does a debate sketch, Mike Tyson does Herman Cain.
Yes! Do that!
This is actually very intriguing to me, something leaning towards a best of both worlds type device.
Whelp, looks like we have reached the pinnacle of gaming.
I suppose he could have been correct, if the NPCs had reacted, it could had caused his disbelief to be suspended... or something.
I share this sentient. I am on my second play-through right now (I did the same as you, going normal then crushing) and while playing on the ship yard part, I was spotted trying to take someone out with a stealth kill and was soon killed myself. Apparently though, I had made it too far into the level, because the next…
While I thought the chase to be a rather interesting part of the game, I thought the score for that section was a little too understated. While playing, I felt like there was something a little off, then I realized that instead of the music being fast and driving, It was kind of surreal and warm, and didn't really fit…
Sure it looked really nice on the inside, but all planes look really nice on the inside when they are brand new, don't they?
But, but then he would have nicer camera but no coins to stack, and thus nothing to film.
After using webos for a bit, and then going back to my ipod touch, i constantly find myself swiping up from the bottom of the screen to close the running app. It just seems so natural and "right"
That looks just like every picture my mom takes when she goes on vacation.
I can't be certain, but this guy sounds like he was roughly six beers in while making this video.